Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 26 and 27 The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)

1. Date of announcement: 19th June 2019

2. Each year the smaller authority’s Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) needs to be reviewed by an external auditor appointed by Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments Ltd. The unaudited AGAR has been published with this notice. As it has yet to be reviewed by the appointed
auditor, it is subject to change as a result of that review.

Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers, receipts and other documents relating to those records must be made available for inspection by any person interested. For the year ended 31st March 2019, these documents will be available on reasonable notice by application to:
Jean Ralfe, Duns Tew Parish Clerk and RFO.
Email: or
Phone: 01869 349012

commencing on: Friday 20th June 2019
and ending on: Friday 2nd August 2019

3. Local government electors and their representatives also have:

  • The opportunity to question the appointed auditor about the accounting records; and
  • The right to make an objection which concerns a matter in respect of which the appointed auditor could either make a public interest report or apply to the court for a declaration that an item of account is unlawful. Written notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the smaller authority.

The appointed auditor can be contacted at the address in paragraph 4 below for this purpose between the above dates only.

4. The smaller authority’s AGAR is subject to review by the appointed auditor under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 and the NAO’s Code of Audit Practice 2015. The appointed auditor is:

Moore Stephens, (Ref SW/cc)
Rutland House, Minerva Business Park, Lynch Wood, Peterborough

5. This announcement is made by Jean Ralfe.

You can download a copy of this notice below:

Extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council

Duns Tew Village Hall – Monday 17th June 2019 – 19:30-21:30



  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and Dispensations:
    1. To receive any declarations of pecuniary interest from Councillors relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with the Council’s code of conduct and consider any requests for dispensations.
    2. To review and update the record of members interests.
  3. Finance
    1. To receive and note the Internal Auditors Report
    2. To receive and agree the Annual Accounts, Annual Return and Statement of Internal Controls
    3. To receive and agree the Asset Register
    4. To receive and agree the Effectiveness of the internal Audit report
    5. To receive and agree the Risk Assessment
  4. Public Participation – To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with the Council’s code of conduct & standing orders
  5. Date of next meeting – 1st July 2019

Open Village Invitation to discuss the proposal for a Solar Energy Park

Monday 10th June, from 19:30 to 21:00, at the village hall

We have invited Ed Jessamine to attend for the first 30 minutes to update us on the project.

After that we are inviting you to put forward your questions and views regarding the project so that the Parish Council can reflect the village views if the scheme progresses to a planning application Please come along no matter if you support or are against the project – the more views and questions we are aware of the better we can represent you.

The planning committee is made up of Harriet Stapleton (Chair), David Jackson, and Tom Linley.

There is an opportunity to visit the existing solar park on the 9th June for Open Farm Sunday when Aspens are going to be present.

It would be helpful to have an idea of numbers so if you are planning to come on the 10th June please drop an email to


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January 6thPCMAgendaMinutes
March 3rdPCMAgendaMinutes
May 12thAPM & PCMAgendaMinutes


January 9thPCMAgendaMinutes
March 6thPCMAgendaMinutes
May 22ndPCMAgendaMinutes
July 3rdPCMAgendaMinutes
August 7thEPCMAgendaMinutes
September 4thPCMAgendaMinutes
November 6thPCMAgendaMinutes
January 15thPCMAgendaMinutes
March 4thPCMAgendaMinutes
May 14thAPM & PCMAgendaMinutes


January 10thPCMAgendaMinutes
March 7thPCMAgendaMinutes
May 16thAPMAgendaMinutes
May 16thAPCMAgendaMinutes
July 4thPCMAgendaMinutes
September 5thPCMAgendaMinutes
November 7thPCMAgendaMinutes


January 11thPCMAgendaMinutes
March 1stPCMAgendaMinutes
May 4thAPMAgendaMinutes
May 4thAPCMAgendaMinutes
June 28thPMAgendaMinutes
July 5thPCMAgendaMinutes
September 13thPCMAgendaMinutes
November 8thPCMAgendaMinutes


January 6thPCMAgendaMinutes
March 2ndPCMAgendaMinutes
May 4thPCMAgendaMinutesAudit
August 3rdPCMAgendaMinutes
September 14thPCMAgendaMinutes
November 2ndPCMAgendaMinutesExternal Audit


External Auditor Report and Certificate2023-2024
External Auditor Report and Certificate2022-2023
Annual governance and accountability return (AGAR)2023-2024
Additional information for AGAR2023-2024
Notice of public rights2023-2024
End of year financial statement2023-2024
Yearend reconciliation2023-2024
Breakdown of Reserves Held2023-2024
Internal audit report2023-2024
Explanation of Variances2023-2024
Annual governance and accountability return (AGAR)2022-2023
Annual governance and accountability return (AGAR)2021-2022
Notice of public rights2021-2022
Yearend reconciliation2021-2022
External Audit2021-2022
Notice of conclusion of external audit2022-2023
Notice of conclusion of external audit2021-2022
Notice of conclusion of external audit2020-2021
PC accounts2020-2021
Annual governance and accountability return (AGAR)2020-2021
Notice of public rights2020-2021


Grant awarding policy2019-2020
Grant application form2019-2020
Data protection policy2018-2019
Financial regulations2023-2024
Health and safety policy2019-2020
Complaints procedure2019-2020
Code of conduct2022-2023
Standing orders2024-2025
Statement of internal controls 12019-2020
Statement of internal controls 22019-2020
Equality and Diversity2020-2021
Publication scheme2020-2021

Risk assessments

Play area COVID-192021


PCMParish Council Meeting
APMAnnual Parish Meeting
APCMAnnual Parish Council Meeting
EPCMExtraordinary Parish Council Meeting
PMPlanning Committee Meeting


January 14thPCMAgendaMinutes
March 4thPCM AgendaMinutes
May 7thAPMAgendaMinutes
May 7thAPCMAgendaMinutes
June 17thEPCMAgendaMinutes
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September 2ndPCM AgendaMinutesAudit
November 4thPCM Agenda MinutesAccounts


January 8thPCMAgendaMinutes
February 26thPCMAgendaMinutes
May 10thAPMAgendaMinutes
May 10thAPCMAgendaMinutes
May 21stEPCMAgendaMinutesAccounts
July 2ndPCMAgendaMinutes
October 1stPCMAgendaMinutes
November 12thPCMAgendaMinutes


January 5thPCMAgendaMinutes
March 6thPCMAgendaMinutes
April 3rdPMAgendaMinutes
May 2ndAPMAgendaMinutes
May 2ndAPCMAgendaMinutes
July 10thPCMAgendaMinutes
August 31stPCMAgendaMinutes
November 1stEPCMAgendaMinutes
November 6thPCMAgendaMinutes


January 4thPMAgendaMinutes
January 4thPCMAgendaMinutes
February 1stPMAgendaMinutes
March 7thPMAgendaMinutes
March 7thPCMAgendaMinutes
April 4thPMAgendaMinutes
May 3rdPMAgendaMinutes
May 3rdAPMAgendaMinutes
May 9thAPCMAgendaMinutes
June 12thPMAgendaMinutes
July 4thPCMAgendaMinutes
September 5thPCMAgendaMinutes
November 7thPCMAgendaMinutes


January 8thPMAgendaMinutes
January 8thPCMAgendaMinutes
February 2ndPMAgendaMinutes
March 2ndPCMAgendaMinutes
March 30thPMAgendaMinutes
April 20thPMAgendaMinutes
May 18thPMAgendaMinutes
May 18thAPMAgendaMinutes
May 18thAPCMAgendaMinutes
June 1stPMAgendaMinutes
July 6thPMAgendaMinutes
September 7thPMAgendaMinutes
September 7thPCMAgendaMinutes
September 28thPMAgendaMinutes
November 2ndPMAgendaMinutes
November 2ndPCMAgendaMinutes
December 7thPMAgendaMinutes


January 9thPMAgendaMinutes
January 9thPCMAgendaMinutes
March 13thPCMAgendaMinutes
April 2ndPMAgendaMinutes
May 8thPMAgendaMinutes
May 8thPCMAgendaMinutes
June 4thPMAgendaMinutes
June 5thAPMAgendaMinutes
June 5thAPCMAgendaMinutes
July 2ndPMAgendaMinutes
October 13thPMAgendaMinutes
November 13thPMAgendaMinutes
November 13thPCMAgendaMinutes


June 19thEPCMAgendaMinutes

Planning update – May 2019

New Applications





Reference Number: 19/00026/TCA
Raymond Fowler, Substation, Mains Street
Reduce height of a group of Leylandii by 20%, remove dead trees

Reference Number: 19/00036/TCA
Flagstones, 12 Main Street, Duns Tew
Reduce height by 2m and reshape oak tree

Reference Number: 18/02178/F
Acorn Cottage, 7 Middle Barton Road
Single storey rear extension. Loft conversion with associated roof lights

Reference Number: 18/00176/TCA
Paythorne, Main Street
Sycamore (T1) – Fel.l small self-set sycamore in group of trees to be removed due to close proximity to neighbouring trees. Leyland cypress (T2) – Reduce height by 12ft as causing shading and blocking aerial signal. Golden cypress (T3) – Fell. Stem split in bad weather.

Reference Number: 18/0001173/TCA
Stable End, Middle Barton Road
Pear (T1) Fell. Decay cavity at base, large split up trunk, creaking in wind. Close proximity to building. 7M tall. Horse Chestnut (T2) Fell. Half canopy is dead, remainder is dying back.

Reference Number: 18/00168/TCA
North Barn, 1 Spring Farm Court
Poplar (T1) Reduce height by up to 5M, remove low broken branch and shape canopy. Tree is outgrowing position and casting shade.  Variegated acer (T2) Remove reversion growth to ensure future development. Alder(T3) Fell.

Reference Number: 18/0412/CLUP
5 Longfield
Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed development for a single storey, flat roofed structure as a garden room. 5.7m (W) x 4.1m (D) x 2.5m (H). Occasional use, garden room and home study. Rear garden location, no changes to property access.

Reference Number: 18/01439/LB
1 Daisy Hill
Internal renovation to return the barn to open plan

Reference Number: 18/00329/DISC
7 Daisy Hill
Discharge condition 7 (vents and flues) of 18/00579/LB

Reference Number: 18/00330/DISC
Glendale, Main Street
Partial discharge of condition 3 (slates only) of 15/00475/F

Reference Number: 18/00231/TCA
Duns Tew Village Hall, Middle Barton Road
Birch (T1) Reduce 10m height by 3m. shape canopy. Remove by up to 2m from fabric of building.

Pooper Snooper

Let’s tackle dog poop once and for all.

Pooper Snooper

Pooper Snooper, a free smartphone application and website aims to build public awareness and in turn increase social pressure on dog fouling, and to identify problem hotspots to allow for better targeted enforcement activities.

Pooper Snooper

To achieve these aims, the mobile app, enables you to quickly and accurately record the locations of dog fouling on an interactive map, providing an overview of dog fouling hotspots. Any dog fouling incidents that are cleaned up can be marked as resolved, and bin locations can be recorded within the app, with a “find nearest bin” function helping you locate bins in unfamiliar areas. To help raise public awareness you can share your records along with an overview of dog fouling in the local area, on Twitter and Facebook.

Get started