To See Minutes of meetings, finance reports and Parish Council policies use the “Documents” option on menu on the right
The Parish Council exists to look after the interest of the community of Duns Tew. It has powers with relation to issues such as highways, traffic, housing, street lighting, seats, bus shelters, rights of way and is consulted on all local planning.
Parish Councils are part of the local government system and work closely with the district and county council to help ensure services in the village are maintained and developed.
Parish Boundary
Duns Tew Parish council boundary

Parish Council meetings are usually held on the 1st Monday, every other month, at 19:30 in the village hall. All villagers are very welcome to attend. The agenda is posted on the village notice board at least three days before the meeting and will confirm the date of the next meeting.
Planning Committee
Duns Tew has a separate planning committee (Councillors Harriet Stapleton (chair), and Juliet Semple) which meets monthly, depending on the requirement to review applications. All applications are reviewed by the current parish councillors and only if they object to the plans will a planning meeting be called.
What powers does the Parish Council have with respect to planning applications?
Mid-Cherwell Neighbourhood Plan (MCNP), Planning
philippa.tickle.dtpc@gmail.comPlanning. MCNP. Footpaths, bridleways, grass, street cleaning & furniture, Resilience group
charles.landless.dtpc@gmail.comEmergency plan, Welcome pack, Defibrillator (AED), Bottle bank, Planning.
juliet.semple.dtpc@gmail.comParish Clerk
The Parish Clerk is the main contact for any queries within the village so please feel free to contact her with any problems/questions you may have that you feel the Parish Council could help you with.
Data Protection Officer
District Councillor
County Councillor

Member of Parliament
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Parish councils have limited powers to make decisions but they do have the ability to negotiate with, and the power to influence, those other organisations that do make the final decisions (such as the district or county council, health authorities, police etc.). In this respect parish councils are extremely powerful. The organisations that make the final decisions know that a parish council gives the best reflection of how a community feels about something and its views will be taken seriously.
Report it online at FixMyStreet:
Additional planning controls exist within conservation areas which provide protection to boundary walls and larger trees and restrict Permitted Development rights. This is to ensure that any alterations do not detract from the appearance and historic significance of the area. If you live in a conservation area you have to obtain permission before making changes which would normally be permitted elsewhere. Duns Tew conservation area map:
- Allotments
- Bus shelters
- Cemeteries
- Commons land and common pastures
- Community centres
- Flagpoles
- Monuments and memorials
- Play area
- Street lighting
- Village hall
- Benefits payments
- Collecting council tax
- Homelessness support
- Electoral registration
- Environmental health
- Housing
- Leisure
- Local planning
- Street cleaning
- Waste collection
- Adult social care
- Children’s services and education
- Fire and rescue service
- Libraries, cultural and registration services
- Public health
- Highways and transport
- Spatial planning
- Trading standards
- Waste disposal and recycling centres