Remembrance Sunday – 8th November 2020

For the last two years we have been able to have a Remembrance Day commemoration around the small island opposite the church. Due to the new restrictions this cannot happen this year. It is with real regret that the Parish Council in partnership with the Church have to announce that the service will be “closed”, i.e. few people attending. The bell will be tolled, the last post and reveille will be played, names read out and the village’s wreath will be laid.

This will be done with minimal ceremony and with very few people involved. It will be filmed and put up on the Village website, Facebook page and WhatsApp. We realise that it will be difficult for some not to be there in person, however, the memorial will remain in place for two weeks to allow people who wish to pay their respects to do so in their own time.

The Church will be open from 11.10am until 4pm for private prayer only. To protect others, please use hand sanitiser, wear a mask, and before you leave, place a yellow sheet of paper in the seat to indicate where you have been sitting.

Thank you

Church Newsletter – November 2020


Places of worship will once again be closed from 5th November, unless they are being used for funerals; broadcasting acts of worship; individual prayer; essential voluntary and public services.

The government guidance published on 31st October is that people should only leave home for certain limited reasons, and they do not include attending public worship.  The guidance makes clear that weddings and civil partnership ceremonies will not be permitted to take place except in exceptional circumstances.

We will continue to offer regular Zoom services, and ask that you do not hesitate to get in touch if you feel in need of extra support. 

Some people are not drawn to Zoom services but we’d still like to be in contact.  If you, or anyone you know may need some help – spiritual or practical – please get in touch with one of the Ministry Team or your churchwarden.  Contact details are on the Who’s Who page

It continues to be an anxious time, and it is so important for us to stay connected, as this impacts us all.

Benefice Service on Zoom

The 30 minute internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom. If you haven’t Zoomed in yet, why not give it a try? Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Please email for further details on how to join. If you would like to receive weekly church notices by email, contact Clare 347382, email:

Benefice Bible Study on Zoom

The bible study group continues to meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 8pm. Log-in details are on the weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826

Benefice Facebook Page

Please remember to look at our Facebook page, and follow us on You can still look at our Facebook page even if you don’t have a Facebook account.

A Choir Re-formed – NOT YET …. BUT SOON

Once Covid-19 restrictions permit, we’d like to be ready to start our new Church Choir(s) straight away. We want to welcome children and young people as well as adults to make music at our services in all the different villages of our Benefice. Please see our advert for further details.

Christmas Lights for the Church

We are very honoured this year that freelance lighting designer, Tony Simpson, will be designing and installing some very special lights for the outside of Duns Tew Church.

The lighting is kindly sponsored by White Light Ltd, one of the biggest lighting suppliers in the UK

Tony has worked with and for White Light for over 25 years and is currently lighting the Christmas@Stourhead lights trail for the same company that produces Christmas@Blenheim.

We had hoped to ask everyone to attend a big switch-on, but sadly due to the recent change in restrictions this will not be possible. We hope you will enjoy them as you visit or pass the church during December.

In a year of such uncertainty, we believe the lighting of the church will bring a sense of festive cheer and colour to the centre of our village

Christmas Is Coming

This year we have a new selection of 4 very different cards (priced at 50p each) for Christmas, not necessarily what you would normally expect to see inside the church!

Church Newsletter – November 2020

In addition to the cards, an A4 spiral wall calendar entitled Duns Tew Up Close & Local has also been produced. It shows 12 different local views and is priced at £7. You can place an order for the cards and/or calendar by either emailing us at or phoning Carol Rigby on (340632)

Our Charities

Katharine House Hospice

Our Charity of the Quarter for October, November and December. This charity provides specialist palliative care for adults who live locally with life limiting conditions as well as support for symptom management and pain relief. The care is offered throughout the local community including at the hospice in Adderbury, in people’s homes and care homes. For more information please visit their website To donate while church services are suspended please make an on-line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference KHouse.


Polly has been extremely grateful for all our continuing support, particularly, as many of her normal sources of surplus food and clothing have dried up due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though Polly is not our charity this quarter, you can continue to make donations to Polly both financial and in kind either by making an on-line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference ‘Polly’. Alternatively, please take cash/cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) and any clothing or food (baked goods/tinned/packets) to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH.

Please do not leave items outside the church while it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382. Thank you for all your help.

Ride & Stride Sponsored Bike Ride

Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust Ride & Stride event, we raised an amazing £979.15, half of which will be paid to Duns Tew Church. A big thank you to our sponsors, and our Riders: Chris Drake, Sarah Taylor and Clare Burgess

Church Newsletter – October 2020

Services will continue to be held in our churches and churchyards across the benefice during October, subject to Government and CoE guidelines, with the requirement to wear face coverings and strict cleaning measures and/or quarantining of areas of the church required between visits.

Please check the Benefice website, the church notice board (located to the left of the lychgate, or contact Clare Burgess tel 347382, email: for the latest information with regard to services and the opening of the church. The proposed schedule for October around the Benefice is:

Sunday, 4 October11amWestcote Barton
Sunday, 11 October11amDuns Tew (Eucharist)
Wednesday, 14 October10amWestcote Barton (outside)
Sunday 18 October11amOver Worton
Sunday, 25 October11amSandford St Martin

All are very welcome to any of these face-to-face services. It would be helpful for Test and Trace if you could let Clare Burgess know a couple of days in advance of each service (07909 881596).

Benefice Service on Zoom

The 30 minute internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom. If you haven’t Zoomed in yet, why not give it a try? Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Please email for further details on how to join.

Benefice Bible Study on Zoom

The bible study group continues to meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 8pm. Log-in details are on the weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826

Benefice Facebook Page

Please remember to look at our Facebook page, and follow us on You can still look at our Facebook page even if you don’t have a Facebook account.

Our Charities

Katharine House Hospice

Our Charity of the Quarter for October, November and December. This charity provides specialist palliative care for adults who live locally with life limiting conditions as well as support for symptom management and pain relief. The care is offered throughout the local community including at the hospice in Adderbury, in people’s homes and care homes. For more information please visit their website

To donate while church services are suspended please make an on-line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference KHouse.

Thank You from Polly

Polly has been extremely grateful for all our continuing support, particularly, as many of her normal sources of surplus food and clothing have dried up due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She says: “Life is very different for us all, yet you still find it in your hearts to help me to provide for the many empty tummies! Thank you” An amazing £422 was donated during the last quarter in Duns Tew and at the Wortons’ Harvest Festival.

Even though Polly is not our charity this quarter, you can continue to make donations to Polly both financial and in kind either by making an on-line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 0096480 reference ‘Polly’. Alternatively, please take cash/cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) and any suitable clothing or food (baked goods/tinned/packets) to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH, please do not leave outside the church while it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382. Thank you for all your help.

Church Newsletter – October 2020

Grand Finale of our Virtual Duns Tew Church Fete

Raffle & Potpourri of Produce!

Sadly, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we were unable to hold our planned ‘grand finale’ in the churchyard on Saturday 19 September. Instead, and at very short notice, we had to relocate our ‘Potpourri of Autumn Produce’ on-line, however, despite this change everyone came up trumps with produce, plants and cakes and we were able to raise over £250 in sales.

Our Grand Raffle Draw also had to be a more of a subdued event this year but we are pleased to report that we raised nearly £1,000 in raffle takings and a further £1700 in donations. Thank you to everyone who gave us such brilliant prizes with special thanks going to: Nicholsons’ Nurseries, Karcher, Tolly McRae, Soho Farm House, Brockway Carpets, the White Horse, CK Leatherworks, Eagles of Deddington, Mark’s Cotswold Bakery, North Aston Dairy, Nelly & Dove and to all those who donated bottles of wine and other goodies. Thank you also to Clive Tompkins at Cherwell Graphics for printing the raffle tickets and to everyone who distributed and bought them.

We also had a very successful Silent Auction this year and would like to thank the generosity of Smiths of Bletchingdon for the 15 tonnes of aggregate, to Sebastian and Charles of Farms and Gardens Ltd for the hedge laying experience and to Sarah Chambers of Brook Pilates. Thank you also to everyone who bid. The silent auction raised nearly £600.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who participated in our virtual church fete this summer, especially to those who donated, cooked, baked, delivered and of course bought. Thank you also to our amazing team of organisers (Carol, Sarah, Clare B and Clare H) who made it all possible.

So far, we have raised an amazing £5,300! We hope to be back next year in our more normal guise and look forward to seeing you all then.

Thank You Duns Tew.

Ride & Stride Sponsored Bike Ride

Saturday 12th September

Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust Ride & Stride event. It may have been a bit different due to the restrictions but our great Duns Tew team of Sarah, Clare, Jos, Ali and Chris cycled undeterred to raise sponsorship for our historic churches. It is not too late to sponsor our team as half of any money raised by them goes towards our church. For further information please contact Sarah Taylor, 340826.

Harvest Lunch

We are very sorry that, due to the pandemic, it will not be possible to hold our annual Harvest Lunch in October this year. We do, however, hope to be back next year when we look forward to seeing you all again and welcoming some new faces too.


It may only be October, but the PCC has been busily working on a selection of 4 very different cards for Christmas, not necessarily what you would normally expect to see inside the church! Watch out for more information. To express early interest please email or contact Carol Rigby (340632).

Church Newsletter – October 2020

In addition, a calendar entitled Duns Tew Up Close & Local is being produced showing 12 different local views. More news next month!

Grants Available – Duns Tew Poor’s Charity Trust

This charity is the amalgamation of three small charities, the purpose being to provide financial grants or goods to those in need, hardship or distress who live in the parish of Duns Tew. The charity owns land (the Poor’s Land) and so has income from rent as well as dividends from some small investments.

The Trustees are able to make grants to individuals or societies in need in the village. If you wish to be considered for a grant, please submit a request by 1st November 2020 at the latest to Clare Burgess who is a Trustee, at 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, or via email Please note spelling of email address.

Duns Tew Virtual Fete 2020 – Raffle

Wonderful prizes to be won. Tickets just £1 each

You should have received 10 tickets delivered with each village newsletter. Please return stubs and cash/cheques in envelope provided to one of the addresses listed on the envelope.

If you would like more tickets please email (or phone 347382) or visit The White Horse to buy your tickets.

Draw to be made on Saturday 19th September in church or churchyard 11.30am.

Church Newsletter – September 2020

In August we started to hold some benefice services in our churches and churchyards. We plan to continue with this gradual re-opening of our churches, albeit in line with Government and CoE guidelines, with its regulations on wearing face coverings and strict cleaning measures and/or quarantining of areas of the church which are required between visits. Each parish in the benefice will be displaying information on its church notice board with regard to its own building. Alternatively, the Benefice website has up to date details or contact Clare Burgess (347382, email:

Benefice Service on Zoom

Our internet-based Sunday morning service are continuing on Zoom. The services, lasting about 30 minutes, have proved a very popular way of worshipping in these challenging times. So, if you haven’t Zoomed in yet, why not give it a try? Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Please email for further details on how to join.

Benefice Bible Study on Zoom

The bible study group continues to meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 8pm. Log-in details are on the weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826

Benefice Facebook Page: Please remember to look at our Facebook page, and follow us on You can still look at our Facebook page even if you don’t have a Facebook account.

Our Charities

Polly and her work with the homeless is our July-September Charity of the Quarter. Polly is extremely grateful for all our help. This help is needed even more as donations to her homeless folk have reduced drastically, partly because supporting churches are not open for donations of food and partly because other sources (e.g. sandwich delivery companies etc) are not operating in the same way at present.

To donate while church services are suspended please make an on line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference ‘Polly’. Please take cash/cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) and any suitable clothing or food (baked goods/tinned/packets) to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH, please do not leave outside the church while it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382. Thank you for all your help.

Church Newsletter – September 2020

Grand Finale of our Virtual Duns Tew Church Fete

Raffle & Potpourri of Produce!

On Saturday 19 September we will be rounding off our virtual fete with two “real” events. A potpourri sale of autumn produce and our Grand Draw raffle, a great favourite at our fetes over the years. Both events (under Covid restrictions) will be held in the churchyard on Saturday 19 September between 10.00am-12.00 noon.



  • £100 cash prize
  • Supper for Two at The White Horse (including wine)
  • Outdoor lantern from Nicholsons’ Nurseries
  • Karcher car washer
  • Woollen Throw from Tolly McRae
  • Hand-finished British wool floor rug
  • Mixed case of wine including bottle of champagne
  • Hamper with artisanal food and prosecco
  • Dinosaur Kids’ Pop-up tent
  • Voucher for handmade leather belt from CK Leatherworks
  • Eagles, Deddington – voucher £25
  • Tregothnan Gift Set of Tea, Jam and Biscuits
  • Mark’s Cotswold Bakery hamper
  • North Aston Dairy ice-cream
  • Nelly & Dove Gift Socks
  • Kaukasis The Cookbook: Culinary journey through Georgia and Azerbaijan

Raffle tickets will be delivered to your door, as in previous years, and the draw will be held in the churchyard on Saturday 19th September at 11.30am.

Please return stubs with cash in envelope to one of the collection points listed on raffle envelope by 12th September 2020. Please fill stubs in clearly. Cheques “Duns Tew PCC”. For info or more tickets, please contact Clare Burgess, details as above.

Silent Auction

Would you like some gravel for your drive?
Put in your bid for 15 tonnes of aggregate of your choice from Smiths of Bletchingdon (worth over £900), Minimum increment £10

Hedgelaying Experience
Come and join Sebastian and Charles of Farms and Gardens Ltd for 1/2 day hedgelaying. Experience how to clear, cut, lay, stake and bind a hedge in the traditional hedgelaying style. We will be laying a hedge in Duns Tew between October and March. Date to be confirmed closer to the time. Gloves, safety helmet and trousers provided but will need boots and most importantly a sense of humour! Minimum increment £2

See how Pilates will help your stability and strength
Bid for a one-to-one Pilates tutorial with Sarah Chambers, of Brook Pilates, Nr Bicester. Sarah is a highly experienced physiotherapist and APPI master. Minimum increment £2

To make your bid, please email making it clear which item you are bidding for! You will receive a notification at the end of each day if a higher bid has been received for your particular lot

Auction opens at 9am on Monday 31st August and closes at 9pm on Friday 18th September for on-line bids. Paper bids may be submitted to Clare Burgess until 11am on Saturday 19th September in the churchyard. Bidders may bid multiple times on the same item. Bids must meet a minimum increment. The bidder with the highest bid at 11.00am on Saturday 19th must pay the full amount of their bid before the item can be retrieved. All items ‘as is’. No exchanges or refunds.

The winning bidder must pay for the item by 6pm on 19th September otherwise the item will be offered to the person with the nearest bid.

Potpourri of Produce

This will be a sale, in the churchyard, of autumn produce such as jams, chutneys, preserves as well as flowers, plants, fruit, vegetables and cakes. If you are making any jams and chutneys then could you make an extra one or two for us? If you are overflowing with apples, courgettes, berries or any other fruit and veg then could you donate them to us? Duns Tew is full of incredible cake makers could any of you make a few extra cakes for our sale?

If you can help and need further information please contact Clare Burgess or 347382. Otherwise all donations of jams, preserves, chutneys and cakes to Sarah, 2 Longfield, 340827 and all fresh produce, plants and flowers to be left at the church or in the porch at Nonesuch, Hill Farm Lane by 6pm on Friday 18 September.

We would like to thank everyone who has participated in our virtual church fete this year. Thank you to all of you who donated, cooked, baked, delivered and of course bought. So far, we have raised an amazing £1,861. We hope to be back next year and look forward to seeing you all then.

Finally, a big thank you to Alana and Oscar for donating the proceeds from their fruit and book stall down Hill Farm Lane to the church. They raised £23.

Live Music Event: Strannik

26 September 7.30pm

We are delighted that recent changes in guidelines mean that we will be able to introduce an Oxford-based trio, Strannik to Duns Tew. Featuring Russian singer, Tatiana Soloviova, a prize winner at the Llangollen International Eisteddfod and the London International Russian Song Contest, who brings her vocal talents to new and old songs from the Russian repertoire.

Jon Bennett (of Moonrakers) accompanies her on guitar, bouzouki and whistles while also providing backing vocals. Dominic Wilkinson completes the ensemble with fabulous fiddle playing. Some of the songs, though originally Russian, are familiar to Western audiences – Tumbalalaika, Carnival is Over, Those Were the Days and Where Have All The Flowers Gone.

Strannik will perform, albeit under Covid-19 restrictions, in the church on Saturday, 26th September at 7.30pm. Tickets £10 each, children £3. Places will, by necessity, be limited in order to ensure appropriate social distancing. So please buy your ticket in advance from Carol Rigby (340632) or email Under current guidelines you must bring and wear a facemask inside the church. Hand sanitiser available on entry. Feel free to bring your own liquid refreshment!

Ride & Stride Sponsored Bike Ride

Saturday 12th September

The Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust Ride & Stride event is going ahead this year, but the restrictions mean the event will look a little different. We haven’t got the full details yet, and it may be that riders won’t be able to go into churches, but it is a great way of spending the day or a few hours with family and friends getting some exercise! The website below gives help with working out routes to suit you. Whatever sponsorship you raise, half will go to our church in Duns Tew and half to the Oxfordshire Trust who help all churches with grants for repairs.

Please register using the Sign up on the Ride + Stride website

Ask Sarah Taylor, 340826, for a sponsorship form or for more details.

Silent Auction

Our fantastic Silent Auction in aid of church funds is now open for bids!

We are very grateful to :

Smiths of Bletchington for offering a 15 tonne load of aggregate of your choice.

Sebastian and Charles of Farms and Gardens Ltd for the chance to experience a half-day’s hedge-laying tuition


Sarah Chambers of Brook Pilates for an hour’s one-to-one session – go to the Master in APPI Pilates.

To bid: email and see details on form below.

Happy Bidding!

Church Newsletter – August 2020

At present all services (except for weddings and funerals) will continue to be mainly internet based. However, in line with Government and CoE guidelines, the PCC is considering how best to open the church for private prayer and services. It is not simply a matter of opening the church everyday again, as strict cleaning measures and/or quarantining of areas of the church are required between visits. Each parish in the benefice will be displaying information on its church notice board with regard to its own building. Alternatively you can look on the Benefice website for up to date details or contact Clare Burgess (347382, email:

Benefice Service on Zoom

In the meantime, our internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom for the foreseeable future. These services, which last about 30 minutes, have proved a very popular way of worshipping with members of our own congregations in these challenging times. So, if you haven’t Zoomed in yet, why not give it a try? Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Further details of how to join can be found on the covering email which goes out with the notice sheet or on request by email to You can also join the virtual coffee morning afterwards.

Benefice Bible Study on Zoom

The bible study group continues to meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 8pm. Log-in details are on the weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826

Living Prayer Tree

Following on from our popular Prayer Tree in the church last Easter, we have designated our cherry tree (on the right-hand side of the churchyard by the bench) as a living prayer tree. Please write your thoughts on a suitable label and attach to the tree

Benefice Facebook Page

Please remember to look at our Facebook page, and follow us on You can still look at our Facebook page even if you don’t have a Facebook account.

Pattern of Services

Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey on the pattern of services in the parish. We hope to trial the new pattern once all the churches in the benefice have re-opened.

Keeping In Touch

As many still remain in forced isolation, if you would like to have a regular phone call to stay in touch please contact one of the following. This is in addition to the ‘Spreading Kindness Duns Tew’ initiative (bright yellow sheet).

Rev’d Jane Wright 340510Clare Burgess 347382Sarah Taylor 340827
Steph Lacey 347340Maria Coonick 340826Joan Cull 349861

Our Charities

Polly and her work with the homeless is our July-September Charity of the Quarter. Polly would be extremely grateful for any help anyone could give. Donations to her homeless folk have reduced drastically, partly because supporting churches are not open for donations of food, and partly because other sources (e.g. sandwich delivery companies etc) are not operating in the same way at present. If anyone would like to donate suitable food (baked goods/tinned/packets) or cash/cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) for Polly’s ministry in Banbury, please take to Clare (see below). Thank you.

If you would like to donate while church services are suspended please make an on line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference ‘Polly’. Please take any suitable clothing or food direct to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH, please do not leave outside the church while it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382.

Church Newsletter – August 2020

Virtual Duns Tew Church Fete

Dine-In Delivered

A massive thank you to everyone who kindly donated their time, skills and ingredients to give us a night off from cooking and cooked up some fantastic meals for our Dine In Delivered event. The cooks included: Steph Lacey, Fodi Gilje, Hilary Skaar, Helen Hamilton, Mike Howard, Lesley Kelly, Sue Castle-Miller, Helen Preston, Karen Fairfax-Cholmeley and Michael Regan (from the White Horse). Thank you also to Caroline Landless for undertaking most of the deliveries and to the amazing team of Carol, Sarah and Clare who not only cooked and delivered but also co-ordinated this great event. To date we have raised £500. This brings the total from all the virtual fete events to a fantastic £1,643. Thank You Duns Tew!


In September we are hoping to round off our virtual fete with a sale of jams, chutneys and preserves and also our grand end of summer raffle, a great favourite at our fetes over the years. The draw will be held on Saturday 19th September and we hope we may be able to gather somewhere by then, suitably distanced.