Duns Tew Parish Council has managed through successful British Heart Foundation (BHF) and SSE (Southern Electric) grants to install a public access automated external defibrillator (AED). It is housed in a cabinet in the decommissioned BT phone box on Main Street opposite Daisy Hill Farm.
The AED is accessible 24/7 in the event of a cardiac arrest. The Parish Council still needs to obtain signage for the phone box to cover the BT logos and clearly identify that an AED is contained within the phone box, but this is in hand. In due course they will also arrange CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training in the village hall.
Our AED is fully automated (turn it on and it tells you what to do) so can be used by anybody, you do not require training in its use or any medical knowledge. Please look out for details in the village newsletter and on the website for the CPR training sessions.
If you have cause to use the AED – please, after the event could you inform either Councillor Semple or the Parish Clerk, so that new pads and batteries can be installed ready for future use.
If you see anyone tampering with the cabinet or vandalising it, please can you call the police on 999 immediately.