Coffee Mornings – update

The charity coffee mornings got off to a realy good start last year donating to the Village Hall fund as well as macmillan cancer Care, Diabetes UK and the Alzheimers Society.

This year we have bookings for February, March and April for the following charities:

  • February 6: Veterans Aid, a charity for UK veterans in crisis, host Tim and Kate Eaton.
  • March 5: Medical/Orphan Project. Supporting orphaned children in Zimbabwe and adults with HIV/AIDS. Hots Jo Barton. Craft stall!
  • April 2: Reading by colour. A small charity that funds coloured glasses for people with Irlens Syndrome. Host Bev Ludlow. Plant Stall! Please donate.

I have been really encouraged by the response to host coffee mornings. It is not difficult, only needing a handful of helpers to make it successful. Donations of cakes alwasy welcome. Please contact the hosts to see how you can help.

If you would like to host a coffee morning later in the year, please contact Sarah Taylor on 340825 or email

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