Church Newsletter – October 2020

Services will continue to be held in our churches and churchyards across the benefice during October, subject to Government and CoE guidelines, with the requirement to wear face coverings and strict cleaning measures and/or quarantining of areas of the church required between visits.

Please check the Benefice website, the church notice board (located to the left of the lychgate, or contact Clare Burgess tel 347382, email: for the latest information with regard to services and the opening of the church. The proposed schedule for October around the Benefice is:

Sunday, 4 October11amWestcote Barton
Sunday, 11 October11amDuns Tew (Eucharist)
Wednesday, 14 October10amWestcote Barton (outside)
Sunday 18 October11amOver Worton
Sunday, 25 October11amSandford St Martin

All are very welcome to any of these face-to-face services. It would be helpful for Test and Trace if you could let Clare Burgess know a couple of days in advance of each service (07909 881596).

Benefice Service on Zoom

The 30 minute internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom. If you haven’t Zoomed in yet, why not give it a try? Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Please email for further details on how to join.

Benefice Bible Study on Zoom

The bible study group continues to meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 8pm. Log-in details are on the weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826

Benefice Facebook Page

Please remember to look at our Facebook page, and follow us on You can still look at our Facebook page even if you don’t have a Facebook account.

Our Charities

Katharine House Hospice

Our Charity of the Quarter for October, November and December. This charity provides specialist palliative care for adults who live locally with life limiting conditions as well as support for symptom management and pain relief. The care is offered throughout the local community including at the hospice in Adderbury, in people’s homes and care homes. For more information please visit their website

To donate while church services are suspended please make an on-line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference KHouse.

Thank You from Polly

Polly has been extremely grateful for all our continuing support, particularly, as many of her normal sources of surplus food and clothing have dried up due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She says: “Life is very different for us all, yet you still find it in your hearts to help me to provide for the many empty tummies! Thank you” An amazing £422 was donated during the last quarter in Duns Tew and at the Wortons’ Harvest Festival.

Even though Polly is not our charity this quarter, you can continue to make donations to Polly both financial and in kind either by making an on-line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 0096480 reference ‘Polly’. Alternatively, please take cash/cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) and any suitable clothing or food (baked goods/tinned/packets) to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH, please do not leave outside the church while it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382. Thank you for all your help.

Church Newsletter – October 2020

Grand Finale of our Virtual Duns Tew Church Fete

Raffle & Potpourri of Produce!

Sadly, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we were unable to hold our planned ‘grand finale’ in the churchyard on Saturday 19 September. Instead, and at very short notice, we had to relocate our ‘Potpourri of Autumn Produce’ on-line, however, despite this change everyone came up trumps with produce, plants and cakes and we were able to raise over £250 in sales.

Our Grand Raffle Draw also had to be a more of a subdued event this year but we are pleased to report that we raised nearly £1,000 in raffle takings and a further £1700 in donations. Thank you to everyone who gave us such brilliant prizes with special thanks going to: Nicholsons’ Nurseries, Karcher, Tolly McRae, Soho Farm House, Brockway Carpets, the White Horse, CK Leatherworks, Eagles of Deddington, Mark’s Cotswold Bakery, North Aston Dairy, Nelly & Dove and to all those who donated bottles of wine and other goodies. Thank you also to Clive Tompkins at Cherwell Graphics for printing the raffle tickets and to everyone who distributed and bought them.

We also had a very successful Silent Auction this year and would like to thank the generosity of Smiths of Bletchingdon for the 15 tonnes of aggregate, to Sebastian and Charles of Farms and Gardens Ltd for the hedge laying experience and to Sarah Chambers of Brook Pilates. Thank you also to everyone who bid. The silent auction raised nearly £600.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who participated in our virtual church fete this summer, especially to those who donated, cooked, baked, delivered and of course bought. Thank you also to our amazing team of organisers (Carol, Sarah, Clare B and Clare H) who made it all possible.

So far, we have raised an amazing £5,300! We hope to be back next year in our more normal guise and look forward to seeing you all then.

Thank You Duns Tew.

Ride & Stride Sponsored Bike Ride

Saturday 12th September

Thank you to everyone who took part in this year’s Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust Ride & Stride event. It may have been a bit different due to the restrictions but our great Duns Tew team of Sarah, Clare, Jos, Ali and Chris cycled undeterred to raise sponsorship for our historic churches. It is not too late to sponsor our team as half of any money raised by them goes towards our church. For further information please contact Sarah Taylor, 340826.

Harvest Lunch

We are very sorry that, due to the pandemic, it will not be possible to hold our annual Harvest Lunch in October this year. We do, however, hope to be back next year when we look forward to seeing you all again and welcoming some new faces too.


It may only be October, but the PCC has been busily working on a selection of 4 very different cards for Christmas, not necessarily what you would normally expect to see inside the church! Watch out for more information. To express early interest please email or contact Carol Rigby (340632).

Church Newsletter – October 2020

In addition, a calendar entitled Duns Tew Up Close & Local is being produced showing 12 different local views. More news next month!

Grants Available – Duns Tew Poor’s Charity Trust

This charity is the amalgamation of three small charities, the purpose being to provide financial grants or goods to those in need, hardship or distress who live in the parish of Duns Tew. The charity owns land (the Poor’s Land) and so has income from rent as well as dividends from some small investments.

The Trustees are able to make grants to individuals or societies in need in the village. If you wish to be considered for a grant, please submit a request by 1st November 2020 at the latest to Clare Burgess who is a Trustee, at 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, or via email Please note spelling of email address.

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