Duns Tew church is open throughout the day for anyone wishing to visit, pray, meditate or simply be. For baptism, weddings, funerals and home visits please contact the Vicar, Revd Jane Wright on 01869 340510 clergy@bartonbenefice.org.uk or our Churchwardens: Clare Burgess (347382), Christopher Drake (340057) or dunstewpcc@gmail.com. If you wish to receive a regular weekly church notice sheet with further information about the church and what goes on in the benefice then please contact Clare.
Church News
Churchyard Tidy Up: We have three weddings in the church this summer. To ensure that the church looks at its best, if you can spare an hour to do a bit of weeding etc that would be wonderful, or if you would like company do come along and join the working party on Wednesday 14th June at 2pm.