Benefice Church Services in December
(Please check notice sheets/notice board/website for any changes)
Sun 27 Nov | Advent Sunday 9.30am Family@Church + Eucharist Duns Tew* (breakfast at 9am) 5pm Benefice Advent Carols, Steeple Barton |
Sun 4 Dec | 9.30am Eucharist at Westcote Barton 11 am Eucharist at Over Worton 4 pm Christingle at Sandford St Martin* |
Sun 11 Dec | 9.30am Eucharist, Steeple Barton 5pm Nativity Service, Duns Tew (with donkey)* |
Sun 18 Dec | 8.30 am Eucharist at Duns Tew 10.30 am Carols & Readings, Sandford St Martin* 4pm Lessons & Carols, Steeple Barton* 6pm Lessons & Carols, Nether Worton* |
Wed 21 Dec | 6pm Carols in Duns Tew Churchyard* |
Sat 24 Dec | Christmas Eve 4pm Crib Service Westcote Barton 6.30pm Eucharist with Carols Sandford St Martin 10.00pm Midnight Mass Duns Tew 11.30pm Midnight Mass Westcote Barton |
Sun 25 Dec | Christmas Day 9.30 am Family Eucharist Steeple Barton 11.00 am Family Eucharist Duns Tew 11.00 am Family Eucharist Over Worton |
Sat 31 Dec | New Year’s Eve 4.00pm New Year’s Eve Service Westcote Barton * |
*Join us for festive refreshments after these services. When there is no service in your own parish, we hope you enjoy attending elsewhere in the benefice. Please keep a regular eye on our website, for any service updates.
Nativity Service – George the Donkey is Back! Sunday 11 December at 5pm
Come and join us for this very popular Christmas Carol Service. Watch the Christmas story being acted out by local children, helped by a baby, George the donkey and some sheep. Stay afterwards for mulled wine, mince pies and other refreshments! Under 18s who would like to take part please contact Steph ( or 347350). The actors just have to dress up and walk about and it would be lovely if some children could read short passages from the Bible. Costumes available.
We are once again indebted to Tony Simpson and Matt Ilott for organising the loan and installation of the lighting on the Church this year. We can’t wait for the big switch-on on 11th December following the Nativity Service at 5pm.
Carols in the Churchyard – Wednesday, 21 December between 6pm-7pm – in aid of the Children’s Society. Join us for our annual Christmas fundraiser for the Children’s Society. Bring your relatives and friends for a great start to the festivities. Mulled wine, mince pies and lots of hearty singing!

Christmas Tree Decorating – We will be decorating the church Christmas tree on Saturday, 10th December between 10am and 11am. All welcome to give us a hand!
Church Cleaning – Can you spare us an hour of your time once every 5-6 weeks? We are looking for new volunteers to join us on our cleaning rota. Please contact Sarah Taylor for more details: Tel: 07984953130 or email:
Thank You – to everyone who helped at our churchyard clear-up in November.
“Call My Bluff” Wine Tasting and Supper Come and enjoy a fun filled evening and pit your wits against a team of bluffers, with only one telling the truth, on Saturday, 14 January. No specialist knowledge required! You will be able to make up a table of six or we will make a up a table of six for you. Tables compete for a prize. Ticket £20 will include wines for the wine tasting and a two-course meal. Doors open at 6.30pm for a prompt start at 6.45pm. For bookings email or contact Clare Burgess 347382. This is a fundraiser in aid of church fabric improvements.

Our Charities
Christmas Charities This year we are collecting for three charities: Ripple Effect (formerly Send A Cow) (international), The Children’s Society (national) and SeeSaw (local) with proceeds being equally split between the three. Donations can be made via our collections during services or through the PCC (see details below).
Samaritans (Banbury) is the Charity of the Quarter for Oct-Dec. A plate for donations is available at services or for more information on how to make a donation through the PCC, please contact Carol Rigby ( (340632).
Wishing you a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS and all the very best for the NEW YEAR from all on the Church PCC.