The Church Fete on 2nd July was a great success. The weather was perfect and it was good to see so many people enjoying themselves. Thank you to all who came along.
The profit, after expenses, came to £5,413. This is the church’s major fund-raising event of the year and makes a vital contribution to the running costs of the church.
We are extremely grateful to everyone who made the fete possible, and in particular:
- Fiona and Gavin McAlpine for their generosity and support which ensured a fabulous day
- Clive Tompkins (Cherwell Graphics Ltd) for printing all the banners, signs, leaflets, raffle tickets etc
- Charles & Caroline Landless for storing the fete equipment for us
- David and Margaret Goundrey for giving up their garage space
and the following companies for their support in donating Raffle Prizes:
- Karcher UK
- The White Horse (as well as organising the barbecue food)
- Soho Farmhouse
- Barrett & Coe Photography
- Hinksey Heights Golf Club
- Nicholson’s Nurseries
- Richard Taylor, Grange Farm Beef, Swalcliffe
- Eagles of Deddington
- Johnson’s of Deddington
Everyone who donated anything to the fete.
All the stallholders for their preparation work beforehand and everyone who set up/cleared away on the day.
Scarecrow competition winners:
- First: Jeff Aylott with ‘Put out the Fire’
- Runner-up: Hannah Proctor with ‘Major Disaster’
Craft competition winners:
- Flower arrangement: First: Susan Stapleton, Highly commended: Sarah Taylor
- Men’s lemon cake: First: Adrian Ludlow, Highly commended: Seb Stapleton
- Children’s vegetable animal: Alys Leach
Congratulations to all.
Thank you to everyone who joined in the fun.