March village hall coffee morning

A huge thank you to everyone who helped and/or supported the coffee morning in aid of T.Z.A.B.A.’s Medical/Orphan Project ( on Saturday 5th March.

The Village Hall was absolutely buzzing by about 11 o’clock, with people having trouble finding seats! After a bitter night with snow, the sun shone, which added to the generally gay atmosphere… The financial results were astounding: £100 for the Village Hall, and £218.62 for MOP – proving yet again what a generous community Duns Tew is. And the variety and quality of the cakes produced was, as always, worthy of the Great British Bake-Off!

February Village Hall coffee morning

Thank you so much to everyone who braved the rather cold and wet weather to join us for coffee and cake on Saturday, 6 February.

Our nominated charity was Veterans’ Aid ( who support ex-forces personnel in crisis. With your help, with raised a wonderful total of £271, some of which was in the charity collecting buckets, so we were able to donate £85 to the Village Hall, and the charity has received £186.

Thank you also to everyone who donated cakes, and helped out on the day. It wouldn’t have been so successful without you!

Village Hall 100 club

Dear friends and neighbours in Duns Tew,

Please support the Duns Tew Village Hall 100 Club

I am writing to ask you please to give your support this year and in the future to the Duns Tew Village Hall by joining our 100 Club.

The 100 Club holds a monthly draw for all members, with prizes of £20, £15, £10, and £5 each month. The subscription to join is just £12 per year, and is payable in advance by standing order, cash or cheque. Apart from the money for prizes, all the money raised goes towards the upkeep and maintenance of our Village Hall, keeping this wonderful facility available to everyone for village clubs and activities, and for private hire for your own events and celebrations.

It would be fantastic if you agree to support the Village Hall by joining the 100 Club, and a great way to do this is by annual standing order – just complete the below form and send it to your bank or building society, and payment will be made automatically. I will ensure you get a receipt when the £12 reaches the Village Hall 100 Club account in March. If you change your mind in the future, you can contact your bank to cancel the standing order.

If you prefer to pay by cash or cheque (payable to “DT Village Hall 100 Club”) someone from the Village Hall team will call in February/March each year to collect your subscription and provide you with a receipt – or if you wish, you can deliver to me at The Threshing Barn, Main Street – just a few yards across the road from the White Horse. The subscription year starts in April, so payments are due before the end of March please.

If you have any questions about the 100 Club or the Village Hall, please get in touch with me.

I hope very much you will feel able to support our Village Hall in this way.

Best wishes to all,

Kate Eaton
01869 347476

Happy New Year!

The Village Hall Committee would like to wish everyone a very happy 2016.

Thank you for all your help and support in keeping our vital village asset well used and funded. Please continue to contribute via the “100 Club”, subscription renewals are due now. 

A special note of gratitude to Duffle Simons and Sue Kipping, the maintenance “dream team”!

New committee members are still needed and VERY welcome. Our meetings are friendly, relaxed and fun and so are we! (contact Jackie Davies 01869 340481)

Coffee Mornings – update

The charity coffee mornings got off to a realy good start last year donating to the Village Hall fund as well as macmillan cancer Care, Diabetes UK and the Alzheimers Society.

This year we have bookings for February, March and April for the following charities:

  • February 6: Veterans Aid, a charity for UK veterans in crisis, host Tim and Kate Eaton.
  • March 5: Medical/Orphan Project. Supporting orphaned children in Zimbabwe and adults with HIV/AIDS. Hots Jo Barton. Craft stall!
  • April 2: Reading by colour. A small charity that funds coloured glasses for people with Irlens Syndrome. Host Bev Ludlow. Plant Stall! Please donate.

I have been really encouraged by the response to host coffee mornings. It is not difficult, only needing a handful of helpers to make it successful. Donations of cakes alwasy welcome. Please contact the hosts to see how you can help.

If you would like to host a coffee morning later in the year, please contact Sarah Taylor on 340825 or email

This time – actually Burns night!

Yes, 25th January 2014 is a Saturday, so once again we plan an evening of traditional Scottish food, drink, and music in the Village Hall.

Those who have come along before can vouch for a merry time – and as numbers are limited to 40, you will need to book now!

Call Jo Barton on 01869 349065 or 07929 143519 or email to reserve your place(s).

Cost: £12 a head

The usual pay bar, and proceeds to be shared between the Hall and the church.