Duns Tew Fete – 9 June 2024

Once a year the Parish holds the equivalent of an AGM. All village residents are invited and welcome to
The point of the Annual Parish Community Meeting is to present a review of the preceding year. The
outgoing Chair of the Parish Council will give a brief account of the activities and achievements of the
Parish Council during the preceding year. It is also a chance for villagers to express concerns or
priorities which they would like the council to consider over the course of the coming year.
The Annual Parish Community Meeting will be held
on Monday 22 th May 2023 at 7:00 pm in the Village Hall
Once a year the Parish holds the equivalent of an AGM. All village residents are invited and welcome to attend.
The point of the Annual Parish Community Meeting is to present a review of the preceding year. The outgoing Chair of the Parish Council will give a brief account of the activities and achievements of the Parish Council during the preceding year. It is also a chance for villagers to express concerns or priorities which they would like the council to consider over the course of the coming year.
The Annual Parish Community Meeting will be held
on Monday 16th May 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Village Hall
It is with deep sadness that I write this appreciation of Jonathan Miall. Many will now know that Jonathan was killed in a tragic accident at Lower Farm at the beginning of July. Jonnie was a well known face, often driving through the village on a variety of farm vehicles on his way to work in one of his own fields or one of those of a number of local farmers. His presence in the fields all around the village has been such a big feature of life here and I know that there is a deep sense of shock and sadness at his death. People who knew Jonnie, describe him as a lovely family man and as a very hard working farmer. I think it is entirely accurate to say that he had a passion for farming.
He had served on the Parish Council a number of years ago and also for the last couple of years and we all appreciated his contribution to the Council and treasured his swift and down to earth grasp of the issues coupled with his quick, razor sharp wit. He was a wonderful presence in the meeting room, with a smile or a cheeky grin, encouraging us not to take ourselves too seriously and yet always willing to do what he could to contribute to the workings of the village and all that this entails. His local knowledge, born through a lifetime of living here, brought such richness and context to our proceedings. We shall all miss him greatly. Yet we know that our loss is as nothing compared to that of Tamsin, Ella, Alasdair, Terry, Mary and the whole family and to whom we send our love and deepest condolences.
To mark Jonnie’s death and to honour all he was and did and to show our support and love for the family, villagers and any others who wish, are invited to line the Main Street next Wednesday, 22nd July. It is suggested we gather by 0920. The Cortège, where Jonnie will be carried by tractor and trailer, will leave Lower Farm at 0930 with a shotgun salute. The Cortège will then pass through the village.
The suggestion is that we start lining up at the church and spread out both ways, lining both sides of the road in a safe manner. Please observe 2m. social distancing between different households. Of course, if you prefer you could line the street near your home.
There will be a Family Funeral later in the morning at 11am at Banbury Crematorium and you may like to hold the family in your thoughts and prayers.
There will be a live webcast of Jonnie’s service, which I understand will also be available for 28 days following, these are the login details:
Website www.obitus.com
Username Jidi9975
Password 212179
Service Date Wednesday 22nd July
Service Time 11:00am
Service Viewing Time 10:56am – 11:45am
David Jackson Chair, Duns Tew Parish Council
A small group of Christians from Duns Tew has been meeting each morning during Lockdown to pray for our village. We have been praying for the Lord’s protection from the virus for each person in Duns Tew. We were inspired to pray for our village after hearing of a similar prayer group who met and prayed for the men of their village who went to the front during the First World War. Not one soldier from that village was lost.
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, Christian pastors have been reporting a new interest in prayer and God. We have received donations to buy new copies of some Christian books that relate to these strange times and also some Gospels. These books can be found on a table at the corner of Field Court and Main Street. We would be delighted if you would take one or more as a gift from the Duns Tew Prayer group. We are praying that many people in our village will be blessed by these books.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19 we have put each book in a separate, sealed,clear bag. On Wednesdays and Thursdays the Bins from Field Court have priority, and so the books will not be on display on those days.
The Parish Council are very excited to announce that the development of the new play area will begin next week on Thursday 9th July and will take 2 to 3 weeks to complete.
As a result of these forthcoming works the playground will remain closed until they have been safely completed. A further announcement will then be made
The entries are all in, please use this form to select your favourites from the under 18s and over 18s categories
Voting will close at 22:00 on Sunday 3rd May