Thank you to everyone who donated or bought plants in aid of Duns Tew church last week. We hope you enjoyed planting up your gardens!
We made a magnificent £550, thanks to your support and generosity. This will go a long way in making up the shortfall in fundraising caused by the lockdown.
Thank you again, Clare Burgess & Jon Blows, Churchwardens, and Carol Rigby, Treasurer.
Temporary Road Closure and “No Waiting” restriction at Bicester, B4030 Steeple Barton
In the interests of public safety, it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close the road and impose a ‘No Waiting’ restriction as detailed above to facilitate carriageway resurfacing works.
A temporary Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate on 01 April 2020. This will operate between 09:30 and 15:30 hours.
A Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and restriction and will operate on the days shown above.
Please note that Notices for urgent works can last up to 5 consecutive days only.
Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works and liaison with the works supervisor.
Further information regarding the works may be obtained by contacting Elizabeth Smith, Oxfordshire County Council on 0345 310 11 11
Duns Tew Parish Council (PC) has supported Chesterton Parish Council by objecting to the application on the basis that it is not in line with planning guidance and presents a significant burden on the local services and roads which has not been addressed by Great Wolf.
The PC encourage you to form your own views and act accordingly.
This information is from Chesterton Parish Council;
The Great Wolf planning application 19/02550/F is to be decided at the planning committee meeting this Thursday 12th March at 4pm.
This does not give much time so may I ask you to do two things: 1) Please email your strong objection to ALL the councillors on the planning committee by this Wednesday 11th March (this can of course be your original objection). Although Cherwell District Council has recommended refusal we cannot afford to be complacent or assume that more distant councillors are as well informed. No doubt Great Wolf will have done their utmost to reach these councillors so we must adopt the same approach.
To make it quick and easy, here is the list of councillors’ email addresses on the Planning Committee. These can be copied and pasted into a Bcc address box to make it more personal.
2) A planning QC has advised Chesterton PC that attendance at the meeting would show the strength of opposition and could make a real difference to waverers. In anticipation of a large turn out of objecting residents and PC reps, Cherwell District Council have booked additional car parking at Banbury Cricket Club whose entrance is almost opposite the entrance to the Bodicote offices on White Post Road. There will be someone directing cars at the entrance to the Cricket Club from 3.15pm on Thursday.
We would be grateful if you could put the above information on your parish facebook pages and/or websites and spread the word to friends and neighbours.
We received clarification that the planning application has now been validated and registered under planning application reference 20/00574/F. This is the link to the application.
Proposed Photomontage Viewpoint 3 at 0 Years Post Construction: Area beside Oxford Road (A4260), looking west.
The target decision date is 27/05/2020 and decision level has been set as Committee. Planning Committee sits on 21 May and 18 June around this target date.
If you have any comments, in support or objection, to this development, and would like to channel them through the Parish Council, please contact Harriet Stapleton