Category: Church
Church Newsletter – November 2021
Tuesday 2 November | 3pm All Souls Service, Westcote Barton 7.15pm Bible Study on Zoom |
Sunday 7 November | 9.15am Family@Church + Eucharist Westcote Barton 11am Eucharist Nether Worton 5pm Evening Worship Sandford St Martin |
Sunday 14 November (Remembrance Sunday) | 9.30am Zoom service 10.50am Remembrance Service, Duns Tew 10.50am Remembrance Service Steeple Barton 5pm Eucharist, Steeple Barton |
Tuesday 16 November | 7.15pm Bible Study on Zoom |
Sunday 21 November | 9.15am Family@Church Service, Duns Tew 11 am Eucharist Steeple Barton 11am Morning Worship Over Worton |
Sunday 28 November (Advent Sunday) | 9.15am Eucharist Over Worton 5pm Benefice Advent Carols, Duns Tew |
As we are still in uncertain times, please keep an eye on our website,
Facebook page ( and church notice board/notice sheets, in case of any last-minute changes. Although face coverings are no longer mandatory, do please continue to wear them at services inside our buildings, if you so wish.
The Revd Jane Wright, Rector of the Benefice, can be contacted on 01869 340510 or (usual day off is Monday). Please do get in touch if you would like to talk to her or share prayer requests. For other enquiries, please email Clare Harper, Benefice Administrator
Benefice Bible Study on Zoom is now fortnightly on Tuesdays at 7.15pm. Contact Jane or Fran for details
Christmas in the Benefice
With restrictions lifted, we hope that our usual Christmas services and events, including some new ones, will take place in December. A list of services across the Benefice will be delivered to each house in Duns Tew in the coming weeks.
November Coffee Morning
In aid of the Church Tower Appeal
Saturday, 6th November, 10.30am to 12.30pm
Village Hall, Duns Tew
Christmas Raffle
Nearly £1,000 worth of prizes to be won!
Once again, we will be asking every household to sell/buy raffle tickets in aid of the Church. You may have noticed the scaffolding around the Tower. Repairs to the stonework have proved more costly than anticipated as the condition of the stone was found to be much worse than originally thought. Please help raise funds to pay for this work by buying raffle tickets.
There are some fantastic prizes including: £100 cash, a Christmas hamper, a case of wine from Berry Bros, supper for 2 at the White Horse, a litre bottle of Smirnoff Vodka, wool Plaid Throw, a “Lyle & Scott” scarf, 150cm Silver Dewdrop LED Christmas Tree, Lit Wooden Church Scene, an “Alessi” trivet and lots more just in time for Christmas! Raffle tickets will be delivered to every household
The draw will take place on Monday, 20 December outside the lychgate when there will also be carol singing (in aid of the Children’s Society), mulled wine and mince pies (further details in December newsletter).
Charity of the Quarter (Oct-Dec)
Medical/Orphan Project (MOP) in Zimbabwe ( On-line donations can be made through the Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference ‘MOP’, cash or cheques (made payable to Duns Tew PCC) can be dropped off to Carol Rigby, Nonesuch, Hill Farms Lane (phone 340632). If you would like to Gift Aid your donation, please ask for a form.
Samaritans (Banbury) Update
Thank you to all who supported our last charity of the quarter, which raised a terrific £679.
Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. If you can spare any food items (tins/biscuits/packets etc) or would like to make a donation, please contact Clare on 347382 . Thank you for all your help.
Church Newsletter – October 2021
We are now using our new rota of services and we hope to continue with one zoom service a month, on the 2nd Sunday at 9.30am.
Sunday Services in Churches around the Benefice
Sunday 3 October | 9.15am Family@Church + Eucharist Westcote Barton 11am Eucharist Over Worton/Nether Worton 5pm Evening Worship Sandford St Martin |
Sunday 10 October | 9.15am Eucharist Sandford St Martin 9.30am Zoom 11am Harvest Festival Duns Tew 5pm Evening Worship in Steeple Barton |
Sunday 17 October | 9.15am Family@Church Service Duns Tew 11 am Eucharist Steeple Barton 11am Morning Worship Over/Nether Worton 5pm Evening Prayer Westcote Barton |
Sunday 24 October | 9.15am Morning Worship Steeple Barton 9.15am Eucharist O/N Worton 11am Morning Worship Sandford St Martin 5pm Evening Worship Duns Tew |
Sunday 31 October | Benefice Eucharist, Sung Matins |
As we are still in uncertain times, please keep an eye on our website, Facebook page and church notice board/noticesheets in case of any last-minute changes.
The Revd Jane Wright, Rector of the Benefice 01869 340510 (usual day off is Monday), please get in touch if you would like to talk on the phone or by email, and to share prayer requests. For other enquiries, please email Clare Harper, Benefice Administrator
Duns Tew church continues to be open for private prayer, generally between 9am and dusk. For opening times of other churches in the benefice check the website Please continue to scan the QR code when visiting our churches and make use of the sanitizers provided.
Duns Tew Harvest Festival
We will be decorating the church for harvest on Saturday, 9th October for the service on Sunday 10th October at 11am. Please bring your harvest gifts of fruit and vegetables as well as store cupboard items on the Saturday (or before the service). These will be given to Polly, who helps the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury, after the service. For more information contact Clare Burgess on 346382 or
Benefice Bible Study on Zoom
The bible study group continues to meet on Tuesday evening at 7.15 pm on Zoom. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826
Benefice Facebook Page: Do look at our Facebook page (you don’t need a Facebook account) and follow us on
Saturday, 30th October at 7.30pm
St Mary Magdalene Church, Duns Tew
Come and hear a concert in the church by the Oxfordshire group “Moonrakers”. Celtic traditional and contemporary songs and tunes. Music from the UK & Ireland. “An uplifting journey.” (BBC); “startlingly talented musicians” (Oxford Times); “The real deal” (The Living Tradition). See main ad.
Tickets £12 available from or 018693 47382
Refreshments available
Our Charities
Charity of the Quarter (Oct-Dec):
The PCC’s charity for this quarter is the Medical/Orphan Project (MOP) in Zimbabwe ( If you would like to donate on line, payments can be made to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference ‘MOP’, or drop off a cheque payable to Duns Tew PCC to Carol Rigby, Nonesuch, Hill Farm Lane. If you would like to Gift Aid your donation please ask for a form.
Ride & Stride Sponsored Bike Ride
Thank you to everyone who supported this year’s Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust Ride & Stride. You can find further information on the work of the Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust (OHCT) at https//
Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. If you can spare any food items (tins/biscuits/packets etc) or would like to donate money to this excellent cause then bring your items, cash or cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH or ring Clare on 01869 347382. Polly has enough clothing at the moment. Please do not leave items outside the church if it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382 . Thank you for all your help.
For more information on how to make a donation through the PCC, please contact Carol Rigby ( or phone 340632.
Church Newsletter – September 2021
In September we will begin trialling our new Sunday service rota (see below). Please note, that whilst restrictions have now been lifted, many individuals may wish to continue to wear face masks to services and remain suitably distanced from others outside their immediate household in order to minimise risk. We will also continue to have hand sanitiser available and a QR code for scanning.
Sunday 5th Sept | 09:15 Family@Church + Eucharist – Westcote Barton 11:00 Eucharist – Over Worton/Nether Worton 17:00 Evening worship – Sandford St Martin |
Sunday 12th Sept | 09:15 Eucharist – Sandford St Martin 09:30 Zoom 11:00 Harvest festival – Over Worton/Nether Worton 17:00 Evening worship – Duns Tew |
Sunday 19th Sept | 09:15 Family@Church – Duns Tew 11:00 Eucharist – Steeple Barton 11:00 Morning worship – Over Worton/Nether Worton 17:00 Evening prayer – Westcote Barton |
Sunday 26th Sept | 09:15 Eucharist – Duns Tew 09:15 Morning worship – Steeple Barton 11:00 Morning worship – Sandford St Martin |
As we are still in uncertain times, please keep an eye on our website, Facebook page and church notice board/noticesheets in case of any last-minute changes.
Duns Tew church continues to be open for private prayer, generally between 9am and dusk. For opening times of other churches in the benefice check the website Please continue to scan the QR code when visiting our churches and make use of the sanitizers provided.
Benefice Bible Study on Zoom
The bible study group will re-start on Tuesday, 7 September at 7.15 pm. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826
Coffee and Prayer Group on Zoom
A Zoom Coffee and Prayer Group meets on Wednesdays at 11.30 am. An informal group for parishioners in the Barton and Cherwell Valley Benefices lasting about half an hour. Information on joining the group, queries or prayer requests can be emailed to or by contacting Frances or Sally Anne on 01869 345689.
Benefice Facebook Page: Do look at our Facebook page (you don’t need a Facebook account) and follow us on
Churchyard: Any gardeners who can spare an hour or so to help weed/tidy the churchyard are very welcome. There is a list of suggested jobs on the noticeboard in the porch.
Benefice Facebook Page: Do look at our Facebook page (you don’t need a Facebook account) and follow us on
Thank you
A huge Thank You to everyone who came, to those who donated funds, food and wine and to those who helped at our Summer Drinks fundraising event. It was a glorious summer evening set in the magnificent grounds of Duns Tew Manor with music provided by the talented Rey and Gordon of CedarWood.
We would especially like to thank Gavin and Fiona McAlpine for allowing us the use of their beautiful garden. Thanks also to Martin, Debs and the team at the Manor for being on hand to help us make the evening run smoothly. A very enjoyable event which raised £920 from tickets, the raffle and donations on the day towards much-needed repairs to the church tower. Thank You.
(If you enjoyed the music by CedarWood and may be interested in having them play at one of your events then please contact Rey on 07901 584630 You may also be interested in their other band Scarecrow at
Building Works Update
The PCC is eagerly awaiting the painted backplates to give detail to the faces of two angels and St John and the new stainless-steel window guard which will complete the planned works to the windows.
Other parts of the Grade II building are now in need of some TLC – not least the Tower where one of the stones at the top is badly cracked and needs replacing. Other stone is blistered on all four sides and an area of stone on the East side needs replacing. Additionally, the putlog holes need protection from birds nesting. The well supported Summer Drinks has made a good start to raising the funds needed for this work to the tower
As can be seen from archival records, previous generations of villagers have also had to face doing repair works to the tower as the upper stages of the C14th tower fell in 1647, destroying part of the nave. Repairs were carried out in 1664-65 using some of the old materials and an inscription in the porch gable reads “Tower and Porch Rebuilt Anno 1665/The Church Restored A.D.1861”. Not so easy to see is the inscription on one of the crocketed pinnacles “This bee built 166(?)”.
Fundraising:. After a busy few months, the fundraising team of Clare, Carol, Sarah and Maria are taking a short break in September. We have truly valued the village’s amazing support in all our ventures to date, especially during these difficult pandemic times, and with your help we have raised over £5,000 this year.
As the church is self-funding, getting no direct support from either the Church of England or the government, we are always open to new ideas and offers of help – if you would like to organise a fundraising event for either the work of the Church or for the upkeep of the building then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any one of us.
Ride & Stride Sponsored Bike Ride – Saturday 11th September
The Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust Ride & Stride event is going ahead this year! The website gives further details including some suggested routes. Whatever sponsorship you raise, half will go to our church in Duns Tew and half to the Trust who help all churches with grants for repairs. The OHCT has recently agreed to grant Duns Tew PCC £6,000 towards the cost of the current window works and the future tower costs, provided the work is all carried out within the next three years.
Please register using the Sign up on the Ride + Stride website or ask Sarah Taylor, 340827, for a sponsorship form or for more details.
Save the Date
Moonrakers concert in the Church on Saturday 30th October in the evening. More details next month.
Our Charities
Charity of the Quarter (July-Sept)
Samaritans (Banbury) This quarter we are supporting the Samaritans (Banbury). We will be welcoming one of their speakers, to our 9.15am service on 26 September, when we will hear more about their work. If you would like to donate on line, payments can be made to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference ‘Sams’, or drop off a cheque payable to Duns Tew PCC to Carol Rigby, Nonesuch, Hill Farm Lane. If you would like to Gift Aid your donation please ask for a form.
Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. She would really appreciate any food items suitable for someone living in one room or sleeping rough (tins/biscuits/packets etc). Please make sure they are all in date. Otherwise cash or cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) are also welcome. Alternatively you can donate to the PCC Bank accounts details above, reference ‘Polly’. Please bring any items to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH or ring Clare on 01869 347382. Polly has enough clothing at the moment. Please do not leave items outside the church if it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382 . Thank you for all your help.
For more information on how to make a donation through the PCC, please contact Carol Rigby ( or phone 340632.
Fundraising Supper on Saturday, 25 September 2021, 6.30pm
at Duns Tew Village Hall, subject to Covid-19 restrictions, in aid of the
Spafford Children’s Center, Jerusalem
Supper based on recipes from celebrity Palestinian chef Joudie Kalla’s famous book, Palestine on a Plate (signed copies available to buy).
Tickets £30 to include two courses and mint lemonade; wine available to buy or BYO.
Booking details to follow. Inquiries to Sara Bristow or Susie Partridge 07974 916444
Book now for the next Moonrakers’ concert

Moonrakers have performed their traditional and contemporary folk music in the church several times now. In fact, Jon Bennett (bouzouki, guitar, bodhran) was one half of the band Strannik who played a delightful mixture of European music for us in September 2020.
Book your tickets now for another evening of quality music.
Refreshments will be available.
Church Newsletter – August 2021
In August, we are continuing with our 9.30am Sunday Zoom service together with an 11am service at one of the benefice churches. Whilst restrictions have been lifted, we anticipate that many individuals will wish to reduce risk by continuing to wear face masks and by keeping suitably distanced from others outside their immediate household. We will also continue to have hand sanitiser available and a QR code for scanning.
Sunday services in churches around the benefice – all at 11:00 except for 09:30 Zoom service
Sunday 1st August | Sandford St. Martin | Eucharist |
Sunday 8th August | Over Worton | Eucharist |
Sunday 15th August | Steeple Barton | Pet service |
Sunday 22nd August | Westcote Barton | Eucharist |
Sunday 29th August | Duns Tew | Eucharist with baptism |
As we are still in uncertain times, please keep an eye on our website, Facebook page and church notice board/noticesheets in case of any last minute changes.
Duns Tew church continues to be open for private prayer, generally between 9am and dusk. For opening times of other churches in the benefice check the website Please continue to scan the QR code when visiting our churches and make use of the sanitizers provided.
PCC Members
We would like to congratulate Rijke Haschen on becoming our newest member of the PCC team (Parochial Church Council). She will already be a familiar face to many of you who come to our Zoom services and hope that you will join us in extending a very warm welcome to her.
Benefice Service on Zoom
The 30 minute internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom in August. Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Please email for further details on how to join.
Benefice Bible Study on Zoom
The bible study group is having its summer break and will re-start on 7 September at 7.15pm. It will then meet regularly on Tuesdays at 7.15pm on Zoom. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826
Coffee and Prayer Group on Zoom
A Zoom Coffee and Prayer Group continues to meet on Wednesday mornings at 11.30 am. This is an informal group for parishioners in the Barton and Cherwell Valley Benefices which lasts about half an hour. Information on joining the group, queries or prayer requests can be emailed to or by contacting Frances or Sally Anne on 01869 345689.
Benefice Facebook Page: Do look at our Facebook page (you don’t need a Facebook account) and follow us on
Table Top Sale
Thank you to everyone who came and participated in our first Table Top Sale. A great deal of fun was had by all!
Save Our Angels
We are pleased to let you know that the glass conservators have now completed the cleaning and repair of our stained glass and in particular our wonderful Hardman East Window. Do pop in and have a look for yourself!
Any gardeners who can spare an hour or so to help weed/tidy the churchyard are very welcome. There is a list of suggested jobs on the noticeboard in the porch.

Ride & Stride Sponsored Bike Ride – Saturday 11th September
The Oxfordshire Historic Churches Trust Ride & Stride event is going ahead this year! The website gives further details including some suggested routes. Whatever sponsorship you raise, half will go to our church in Duns Tew and half to the Oxfordshire Trust who help all churches with grants for repairs.
Please register using the Sign up on the Ride + Stride website or ask Sarah Taylor, 340826, for a sponsorship form or for more details.
Fundraising Supper on Saturday 25 September 2021, 6.30pm
Duns Tew Village Hall, subject to Covid-19 restrictions, in aid of the Spafford Children’s Center, Jerusalem
Supper based on recipes from celebrity Palestinian chef Joudie Kalla’s famous book, Palestine on a Plate (signed copies available to buy).
Tickets £30 to include two courses and mint lemonade; wine available to buy or BYO.
Booking details to follow. Inquiries to Sara Bristow or Susie Partridge 07974 916444
Our Charities
Charity of the Quarter
Samaritans (Banbury)
We are supporting Samaritans (Banbury) from July to September. Even before coronavirus hit, the Samaritans 20,000 volunteers nationally were answering a call for help every six seconds. It is more important than ever for Samaritans to be there 24/7 for those who need them. If you would like to donate while church services are suspended please make an on line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No:00096480 reference ‘Sams’, or drop off a cheque payable to Duns Tew PCC to Carol Rigby, Nonesuch, Hill Farm Lane.
For more information on how to make a donation through the PCC, please contact Carol Rigby ( or phone 340632.
Dementia (Oxfordshire) Update
We are very pleased to report that the final amount donated to Dementia (Oxfordshire), our charity of the quarter for April to June, was £700. A big thank you to everyone who donated.
Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. She regularly helps up to 15 people and she would really appreciate it if you could spare any food items suitable for someone living in one room or sleeping rough (tins/biscuits/packets etc). Please make sure they are all in date. Otherwise cash or cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) are also welcome. Alternatively you can donate to the PCC Bank accounts details above, reference ‘Polly’. Please bring any items to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH or ring Clare on 01869 347382. Polly has enough clothing at the moment. Please do not leave items outside the church if it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382 . Thank you for all your help.
Church Newsletter – July 2021
In July we will be holding some of our Sunday services in the various benefice churches, in addition to the 9.30am Zoom Service. If you would like to attend one of these services then please could you book your place by e-mailing or phoning 01869 347350, as we still have to comply with Covid regulations.
Sunday services in churches around the benefice
4th July | 9:30AM 11AM 5PM | Benefice Zoom service Nether Worton morning worship Duns Tew (evening prayer) |
11th July | 9:30AM 11AM | Benefice Zoom service Sandford St. Martin (Eucharist) |
28th July | 9:30AM 11AM | Benefice Zoom service Westcote Barton(Eucharist) |
25th July | 11AM | Benefice Zoom service with Bishop Gavin at Steeple Barton This is our benefice welcome for our new bishop and we hope a celebration of coming our of lockdown |
As we are still in uncertain times, please keep an eye on our website, Facebook page and church
notice board/noticesheets in case of any last minute changes.
Duns Tew church continues to be open for private prayer, generally between 9am and dusk. For
opening times of other churches in the benefice check the website
Visitors to our churches are requested to observe all current Covid-19 regulations and
recommendations according to the NHS Covid 19 Track and Trace app. If you can, do download the NHS
app to your phone and scan the QR code when visiting
our churches.
Benefice Service on Zoom
The 30 minute internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom in June. Log-in is from
9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Please email for further details on
how to join.
Benefice Bible Study on Zoom
The bible study group continues to meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 7.15pm. Log-in details are on the
weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826
Coffee and Prayer Group on Zoom
A Zoom Coffee and Prayer Group continues to meet on Wednesday mornings at 11.30 am. This is an
informal group for parishioners in the Barton and Cherwell Valley Benefices which lasts about half an
hour. Information on joining the group, queries or prayer requests can be emailed to or by contacting Frances or Sally Anne on 01869 345689.
Benefice Facebook Page: Do look at our Facebook page (you don’t need a Facebook account) and
follow us on

Coffee Morning
A massive THANK YOU to everyone who baked, bought and came to our coffee morning in June. The
weather held up and it was wonderful to see everyone again. We a raised a fantastic £353.
Save Our Angels: Apologies for any disruption caused by the work to repair and conserve the stained
glass windows.
Churchyard: Any gardeners who can spare an hour or so to help weed/tidy the churchyard are very
welcome. There is a list of suggested jobs on the noticeboard in the porch.

Other Events in the Benefice
Celebration Week in the Bartons 10-17 July
Saturday, 10 July Jazz Concert (open air) bring your own picnic, tables, chairs or blanket. A wine tent
will be onsite (in Richard and Ann Taylor’s field next to WB Church). Tickets £12 each available from
Kate tel 07775 750903.
Sunday 11 July Barton Abbey Gardens Open 2-5pm and Flower Festival in Steeple Barton Church.
Saturday, 17 July Bartons Dog Show & live music at Middle Barton school, 10.30am to 4pm.
Friday, 23 July 6pm Ledwell & Sandford Social on Ledwell Green (celebrating Mary Magdalene Feast
Day) BYO Picnic supper.
Sunday 25 July at 11am Bishop Gavin will be with us for a Celebratory Benefice Service at Steeple
Barton. Please do come along and meet our new bishop.
Our Charities
Charity of the Quarter
Samaritans (Banbury) We are supporting Samaritans (Banbury) from July to September. Even
before coronavirus hit, the Samaritans 20,000 volunteers nationally were answering a call for help
every six seconds. It is more important than ever for Samaritans to be there 24/7 for those who need
them. If you would like to donate while church services are suspended please make an on line payment
to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No:00096480 reference ‘Sams’, or drop off a
cheque payable to Duns Tew PCC to Carol Rigby, Nonesuch, Hill Farm Lane.
For more information on how to make a donation through the PCC, please contact Carol Rigby
( or phone 340632.
Christian Aid Week (10-16 May)
Thank you to everyone who made donations to Christian Aid and to those who acted as collection
points. £467 + Gift Aid was raised.
Dementia Oxfordshire
Thank you to everyone who supported our previous charity of the quarter. We would also thank you to
Trish Heron from Dementia Oxfordshire who came and gave us a talk in June about the work the charity
undertakes in the local area.
Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. She regularly helps up to 15
people and she would really appreciate it if you could spare any food items suitable for someone living
in one room or sleeping rough (tins/biscuits/packets etc). Please make sure they are all in date!
Otherwise cash or cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) are also welcome. Alternatively you can donate to
the PCC Bank accounts details above, reference ‘Polly’. Please bring any items to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill
Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH or ring Clare on 01869 347382. Polly has enough clothing at the
moment. Please do not leave items outside the church if it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382 . Thank you for all your help.
Church Newsletter – June 2021
In addition to our 9.30am Sunday service on Zoom, we are now regularly holding a second service either outside or inside one of the benefice churches at 11.00am.
The venues for the 11.00am services in the next few weeks are given below. If you would like to attend one of these services then please could you book your place for by e-mailing or phoning 01869 347350, as we still have to comply with Covid regulations.
Sunday services in churches around the benefice
6th June | 11AM | Duns Tew – to be followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting |
13th June | 11AM | Westcote Barton |
20th June | 11AM | Steeple Barton |
27th June | 9:30AM 11AM 11AM 5PM | Steeple Barton Sandford St. Martin Over Worton Westcote Barton |
For outdoor services please bring your own chair. If the weather is very poor we may need to make alternative arrangements. Keep an eye on the website, Facebook page and church notice board for details.
Duns Tew church is also open for private prayer, generally between 9am and dusk. For opening times of other churches in the benefice check the website Visitors to our churches are requested to observe all current Covid-19 regulations and recommendations according to the NHS Covid 19 Track and Trace app. If you can, do download the NHS app to your phone and scan the QR code when visiting our churches.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)
This year’s APCM has been re-scheduled and will now be held in the church/churchyard after the 11am service on Sunday 6 June 2021.
Benefice Service on Zoom
The 30 minute internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom in June. Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Please email for further details on how to join.
Benefice Bible Study on Zoom
The bible study group continues to meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 7.15pm. Log-in details are on the weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826
Coffee and Prayer Group on Zoom
A Zoom Coffee and Prayer Group continues to meet on Wednesday mornings at 11.30 am. This is an informal group for parishioners in the Barton and Cherwell Valley Benefices which lasts about half an hour. Information on joining the group, queries or prayer requests can be emailed to or by contacting Frances or Sally Anne on 01869 345689.
Benefice Facebook Page: Please remember to look at our Facebook page, and follow us on You can still look at our Facebook page even if you do not have a Facebook account
Church June Coffee Morning/Cakes To order – 5 June
We will be holding a coffee morning (within Covid-restrictions) in the Village Hall on 5 June 10.30am-12.30pm in aid of the church building.
We will also be selling cakes which you can either select at the coffee morning or which can be pre-ordered and collected from the Village Hall or delivered to your door.
The list of cakes, which you can pre-order, will be available to view from Tuesday 1 June on the church noticeboard, Village website, Village Facebook page and WhatsApp group. Please contact Joan on 349861 or for further information. First come, first served!
Plant Sale
A massive THANK YOU to everyone who donated and bought plants at our plant sale in May. We raised a fantastic £500!
Save Our Angels: We are hoping that work will start to repair and conserve the stained glass window in June, so there may be some disruption inside the church and in the churchyard.
On Saturday 31 July in the morning, we are planning to hold a Table Top Sale in the Village Hall.
So if you have any crafts, bric a brac or unwanted items, either new or in good condition, which you have always wanted to sell, why not put your name down for a table and buy a pitch for £10 in the Village Hall/Village Hall Car Park/Churchyard. More details in next month’s newsletter. Contact us by email on dunstewpcc@gmail if you would like further information
Our Charities
Charity of the Quarter
We are supporting Dementia Oxfordshire ( from April to June. Dementia Oxfordshire is a partnership between Age UK Oxfordshire and Dementia UK. It provides specialist dementia services, available free to people living with dementia and their families living in Oxfordshire. The charity’s aim is to ensure that people have the best available information, advice and support they need to live the life they have to the full. For more information on how to make a donation through the PCC, please contact Carol Rigby ( or phone 340632.
Christian Aid Week (10-16 May)
Thank you to everyone who made donations to Christian Aid and to those who acted as collection points.
Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. The “lads and lasses” are doing OK thanks to your regular gifts of food and funds. She regularly helps up to 15 people. If you can spare any food items (tins/biscuits/packets etc), or cheques (payable to Polly Preedy), please bring them to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH or ring Clare on 01869 347382. Polly has enough clothing at the moment. Please do not leave items outside the church if it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382 . Thank you for all your help.
Church Newsletter – May 2021
From 25th April we aim to hold a service on Zoom at 9.30am and a second service outside/inside one of the churches at 11.00am.
These are the venues for the 11.00am services in the next few weeks, please book a place by e-mailing or phone 01869 347350
Sundays | |
2nd May | Over Worton – an outside service |
9th May | Westcote Barton – an outside service |
16th May | Steeple Barton – hopefully outside |
23rd May | Sandford St Martin – Pentecost – inside |
30th May | Over Worton – Trinity Sunday – Benefice Eucharist for their patronal festival |
6th June | Duns Tew – to be followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting |
Thursdays | |
13th May | Ascension Day service at 6pm in Duns Tew |
For outdoor services please bring your own chair. If the weather is very poor we may need to make alternative arrangements. Keep an eye on the website, Facebook page and church notice board for details.
Duns Tew church is open for private prayer, generally between 9am and dusk. For opening times of other churches in the benefice check the website Visitors to our churches are requested to observe all current Covid-19 regulations and recommendations according to the NHS Covid 19 Track and Trace app. If you can, do download the NHS app to your phone and scan the QR code when visiting our churches.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) – Revised Date
This year’s APCM has been re-scheduled and will now be held in the church/churchyard after the 11am service on Sunday 6 June 2021.
Benefice Service on Zoom
The 30 minute internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom in May. Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Please email for further details on how to join.
Benefice Bible Study on Zoom
The bible study group continues to meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 7.15pm. Log-in details are on the weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826
Coffee and Prayer Group on Zoom
A Zoom Coffee and Prayer Group continues to meet on Wednesday mornings at 11.30 am. This is an informal group for parishioners in the Barton and Cherwell Valley Benefices which lasts about half an hour. Information on joining the group, queries or prayer requests can be emailed to or by contacting Frances or Sally Anne on 01869 345689.
Benefice Facebook Page: Please remember to look at our Facebook page, and follow us on You can still look at our Facebook page even if you do not have a Facebook account
Resources for worship at home on-line The benefice website publishes the reflections, readings and prayers for each Sunday. On this website you will also find, amongst other things, the Notice Sheet, order of service, details of up-and-coming services and groups and when churches are open for private prayer. Just visit:
Plant sale for May
We are planning to hold a plant sale in the churchyard on Saturday 8 May between 10am-12noon. So please pot up any spare herbaceous plants or sow a few extra seeds to donate. These can be left at Corner Cottage, 2 Longfield, or 5 Hill Farm Lane anytime between 1 May – (6pm) 7 May.
Lockdown Pop-Up Church Bistro
Thank you to everyone who supported our recent Pop-Up Bistros. We are delighted to announce that with your help we have raised over £2,000.
Our Charities
Charity of the Quarter
We are supporting Dementia Oxfordshire ( from April to June. Dementia Oxfordshire is a partnership between Age UK Oxfordshire and Dementia UK. It provides specialist dementia services, available free to people living with dementia and their families living in Oxfordshire. The charity’s aim is to ensure that people have the best available information, advice and support they need to live the life they have to the full. For more information on how to make a donation through the PCC, please contact Carol Rigby ( or phone 340632.
Christian Aid Week (10-16 May)
This year, Christian Aid focuses on people who are greatly impacted by climate change and their search for clean water. We will be delivering envelopes for donations through your doors and, although there will be no house to house collections this year, your envelopes with donations can be returned by Sunday 23 May to the following locations: 2 Longfield, 5 Hill Farm Lane, 5 Field Court, ‘The Old Forge’ Middle Barton Road and 14 Dashwood Rise. Please help support Christian Aid. For more information, contact Sarah Taylor 340827
Despite the latest lockdown, Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. She feels her “lads and lasses” need her support more than ever at the moment. If you can spare any food items (tins/biscuits/packets etc), or cheques (payable to Polly Preedy), please bring them to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH or ring Clare on 01869 347382. Polly has enough clothing at the moment. Please do not leave items outside the church if it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382 . Thank you for all your help.
Giving to the work of your parish church & benefice While we continue to meet on Zoom more frequently than in our churches, we ask for your continued support through giving, if you are able to do so. We cannot take a collection during online services but encourage offerings in a number of ways. For more information do see the website (select the “Giving” button on the homepage) or email:
Church Newsletter – April 2021
This month our benefice services are continuing to take place on Zoom, although with the easing of lockdown restrictions we hope that we may be able to hold some services in church. As this is an ever-changing situation, please check the Benefice website, the church notice board (located to the left of the lychgate, the benefice Facebook page, or contact Clare Burgess for the latest information with regard to services.
Duns Tew church is open for private prayer, generally between 9am and dusk. For opening times of other churches in the benefice check the website Visitors to our churches are requested to observe all current Covid-19 regulations and recommendations according to the NHS Covid 19 Track and Trace app. If you can, do download the NHS app to your phone and scan the QR code when visiting our churches.
Easter Day Service
Our principal Easter Day service will be at 0930 on Zoom. This will include plenty of music and singing. Please email if you would like to be sent the link for this. There will also be a very short open-air Eucharist in Steeple Barton at 11.00, principally for those who cannot access or do not feel comfortable with online services. All Covid-19 guidelines will still be in place, including no singing at this service.
Duns Tew church will have some flower arrangements from Easter Sunday onwards, if anyone would like to visit. Please use hand sanitiser before entering and follow the Covid-19 guidance.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)
This year’s APCM will be held in the church on Sunday 25 April 2021 at 11.30am.
Benefice Service and Monthly Eucharist on Zoom
The 30 minute internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom in April. This is normally a short service apart from Easter Day and the last Sunday of every month when it will take the form of a slightly longer Eucharist service. In April, the Eucharist will be on Sunday, 25 April. Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Please email for further details on how to join. There will be Zoom coffee and chat after the service.
If you would like to receive weekly church notices by email, contact Clare 347382, email: Copies of the Reflection and Prayers from each service can be delivered to your door, if you would find this helpful.
Benefice Bible Study on Zoom
The bible study group continues to meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 7.15pm. Log-in details are on the weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826
Coffee and Prayer Group on Zoom
A Zoom Coffee and Prayer Group continues to meet on Wednesday mornings at 11.30 am. This is an informal group for parishioners in the Barton and Cherwell Valley Benefices which lasts about half an hour. Information on joining the group, queries or prayer requests can be emailed to or by contacting Frances or Sally Anne on 01869 345689.
Christian Aid Week (10-16 May)
As you may be aware Christian Aid week normally takes place in May. Due to the pandemic last year, we were unable to deliver envelopes and collect donations from Duns Tew. It will be similar this year, but with some changes. We will be delivering envelopes through your doors, but there will be several addresses where you can return the donations to during Christian Aid week 10-16 May. Details of collection points will be given next month and will be attached to the envelope. For more information, please contact, Tel: 340827
Benefice Facebook Page
Please remember to look at our Facebook page, and follow us on You can still look at our Facebook page even if you do not have a Facebook account.
Resources for worship at home during Lockdown
The benefice website publishes the reflections, readings and prayers for each Sunday. On this website you will also find, amongst other things, the Notice Sheet, order of service, details of up-and-coming services and groups and when churches are open for private prayer. Just visit: or
Looking for volunteers to help with a project to explore live-streaming services from our churches
We would like to explore live-streaming services so that when we are back in church, we can be in touch with as many people as possible. If you have a little time and/or experience of audio-visual technology or live streaming and could help us with a bit of research into this project, please contact Clare or Fran.
Church Fete 2021 deferred to 2022
We have decided not to hold our usual fete this year because of the uncertainty over the timing of the end of all Covid restrictions. We feel that it is also likely that people’s priority will be to catch up with family, friends and trips away, where possible. We will continue with our monthly fund-raising, so keep a look out for forthcoming events throughout the coming months.
Plant stall for May
We plan to hold a plant sale in some form in May, so please pot up any spare herbaceous plants or sow a few extra seeds to donate, if you can.
Lockdown Pop-Up Church Bistro
Thank you to everyone who supported our recent Pop-Up Bistro. We will be having our fourth lockdown pop-up church bistro on Saturday 3 April, subject to any change in the current situation, which will be a 2 course supper. All to be delivered on Saturday, 3 April.
Price £10.00
Giving to the work of your parish church & benefice
While we continue to meet on Zoom more frequently than in our churches, we ask for your continued support through giving, if you are able to do so. We cannot take a collection during online services but encourage offerings in a number of ways. For more information do see the website (select the “Giving” button on the homepage) or email:
Our Charities
Charity of the Quarter
We are supporting Dementia Oxfordshire ( from April to June. Dementia Oxfordshire is a partnership between Age UK Oxfordshire and Dementia UK. It provides specialist dementia services, available free to people living with dementia and their families living in Oxfordshire. The charity’s aim is to ensure that people have the best available information, advice and support they need to live the life they have to the full. For more information on how to make a donation through the PCC, please contact Carol Rigby ( or phone 340632.
Despite the latest lockdown, Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. She feels her “lads and lasses” need her support more than ever at the moment. If you can spare any food items (tins/biscuits/packets etc), or cheques (payable to Polly Preedy), please bring them to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH or ring Clare on 01869 347382. Polly has enough clothing at the moment.
Please do not leave items outside the church if it is locked.
Any queries: Clare 347382 . Thank you for all your help.