Church fete 2022

(Please check notice sheets/notice board/website for any changes)
Saturday 4 June | 5pm Jubilee Teatime Celebration at Sandford St Martin |
Sunday, 5 June | 9.30am Family@church & Eucharist at Westcote Barton 10.30am Benefice Jubilee Service at Steeple Barton |
Sunday, 12 June | 9.30am Morning Worship at Sandford St Martin 11.00am Eucharist, Duns Tew plus zoom livestream 5.00pm Evening Worship Outside at Steeple Barton, with Gospel Bell |
Sunday, 19 June | 9.30am Family@church at Duns Tew 11.00am Eucharist at Sandford St Martin 5.00 pm Evening Prayer at Westcote Barton |
Sunday, 26 June | 9.30am Eucharist at Nether Worton 11.00am Eucharist at Steeple Barton 5.00pm Evening Worship at Duns Tew |
* We will be livestreaming the 11am Eucharist service from Duns Tew on the second Sunday so that anyone who cannot come to church in person will be able to join us via the internet. Login details will be available from the weekly church notice sheet or contact Clare Burgess, 347382, or email DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk .
Would you like to sponsor the flying of a flag from the church tower, on a day of your choice, to mark a birthday, anniversary, or another special occasion or buy a ‘fly the flag’ voucher to pop inside a card for someone as a unique Duns Tew gift? Donation £20. A poster to say what the flag is commemorating will be placed in the Church Noticeboard near the road. Contact dunstewpcc@gmail.com for further information.
Our Charity of the Quarter (April-June) is Polly. If you have any food to donate to Polly’s poor, you can leave it in a carrier bag in church, or in Polly’s basket in the church.
Clare Burgess, DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk or phone 01869 347382.
Thank you for supporting the Coffee Morning in aid of Polly…We were able to give Polly £300 in total. Thank you to all those who donated cakes, plants, jams and time. She loved meeting everyone and said what a friendly crowd we all were! She is so grateful for all your help.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this collection, and to everyone who gave up their time to distribute and collect the envelopes. The amount raised will be given in the July newsletter.
All the old favourites, plus:
If you would like to help in any way, please contact Clare on 07909 881596
(Please check notice sheets/notice board/website for any changes)
Sunday, 1 May | 9.30am Family@church & Eucharist at Westcote Barton 11.00am Eucharist, Nether Worton 5.00pm Evening Prayer at Sandford St Martin |
Sunday, 8 May | 9.30am Eucharist at Sandford St Martin 11.00am Eucharist, Duns Tew plus zoom livestream* 5.00pm Evening Worship at the Alice Marshall Hall plus zoom livestream* |
Sunday, 15 May | 9.30am Family@church at Duns Tew 11.00am Eucharist at Sandford St Martin 5.00 pm Evening Prayer at Westcote Barton |
Sunday, 22 May | 9.30 am Eucharist at Over Worton 11.00am Eucharist at Steeple Barton 5.00pm Evening Worship at Duns Tew |
Thursday, 26 May | 5.30pm Ascension Day Eucharist at Over Worton followed by walk and drinks |
Sunday, 29 May | 11am Eucharist at Westcote Barton |
* Livestream login details will be in the weekly church notice sheet or contact Clare Burgess, 347382, or email DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk . Please keep a regular eye on our website www.bartonbenefice.org.uk, for updates on Covid regulations in our churches.
Thank you to everyone who spoke, hosted, catered, and came to our Lent events in the Benefice. We raised a terrific £800 across the parishes for the Red Cross (DEC Ukraine).
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Easter Services with special thanks to those who decorated the church, Fran our organist and choir leader, our choir, to those who provided refreshments, zoomed our Easter services, dressed up and took on roles and of course to the ever-patient George the donkey. We would also like to thank everyone who prepared and delivered the Easter Goody Bags.
The Bible Study group has completed the Living in Love and Faith Course.
For those who were unable to attend, there is still an opportunity to access materials on the website churchofengland.org/resources/living-love-and-faith/living-and-faith-learning-hub. From Tuesday 26 April the group will be meeting again fortnightly on zoom. For further details please email studythebible@bartonbenefice.org.uk.
Would you like to sponsor the flying of a flag from the church tower on a day of your choice, to mark a birthday, anniversary, or another special occasion or buy a ‘fly the flag’ voucher to pop inside a card for someone as a unique Duns Tew gift? Donation £20. Contact dunstewpcc@gmail.com for further information.
Coffee Morning with Produce and Plant Sale in aid of Polly on Saturday, 7 May, 10.30am to 12.30pm in the Village Hall. Cakes, plants, pickles, produce and preserves for us to sell are also welcome. Contact Clare 01869 47382DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk.
(See charity of the quarter section.)
Decorating the Church for the Jubilee in June. Please contact Sarah, sarahtaylor27.st@gmail.com or phone 340827 if you would be interested in giving us a hand either by helping to decorate or donating flowers or greenery.
The Church Fete Returns! On Sunday 3 July between 1.30pm – 4pm we will be holding our first Church Fete since 2019. (See main ad for more details).
Our Charity of the Quarter (April-June) is Polly. Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. If you are unable to attend our coffee morning fundraiser for Polly then you can still donate any food items (tins/biscuits/packets etc) or money to this excellent cause by bringing your items, cash, or cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH tel.01869 347382. DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk.
Katharine House Hospice Thank you to everyone who came to the service and talk on the work of the KH Hospice by its Honorary Chaplain, Jackie Jones, in March. Due to your generosity, we raised a magnificent £406.90.
We would also like to say a big Thank You to the Wortons who, over the last few years, have regularly and generously donated to our charities of the quarter.
Our fete is back! And we need your HELP!
As usual we’re looking forward to taking your quality household items/unwanted gifts off your hands, to sell on our White Elephant/Bric-a-brac stall.
Other donations we would welcome are:
Books, Plants/Seedlings (flower/veg), Raffle prizes, Bottle tombola prizes (wine/spirits/soft drinks, in date please), Jams and Chutneys.
Nearer the time we will be asking for donations of Cakes for the Cake Stall and for the Teas Stall.
Details of the various collection points will be announced in the June newsletter or on the village WhatsApp Group/Facebook page.
Do you own a trailer or horsebox? It would be a huge help to transport fete equipment and bric-a-brac to the Manor Gardens both on the previous day and on the day itself. Please let us know if you can help – whether with muscle-power or vehicles.
There will be a Children’s Dressing Up competition at this year’s fete. Dress up as your favourite member of the Royal Family and wear your costume to the fete.
Duns Tew Platinum Jubilee Pudding Competition – Once we know what the winning recipe is for the national Jubilee Pudding recipe competition, organised by Fortnum & Mason, we’re looking forward to Duns Tew cooks trying their hand to produce their own version of the National Recipe, for judging on Fete Day.
Other attractions for 2022 – pony rides, giant inflatable, hoopla, coconut shy, kids’ games, Tug of War against North Aston, tyre flip, treasure hunt, wonky bike, beat the bell, forklift truck challenge, Silent Auction: 15 tonnes gravel of your choice (courtesy Smiths of Bletchington), to name but a few.
This is a great village event, and we would really appreciate any help you can offer with the various stalls, setting up and clearing away.
If you have a great prize for the raffle, please do get in touch.
Please contact Clare Burgess email: DTclare@bartonbenefice.com or Tel: 347382. Or members of the Fete Committee: Helen McRae (helen@tollymcrae.co.uk), Victoria Mills (vicmills@me.com), Sarah Taylor (sarah.taylor27.st@gmail.com), Clare Howard (claremaryhoward@gmail.com) or Steph Lacey (stephanielacey34@icloud.com)
An inter-active re-telling of the Good Friday story, with songs and hymns. Everyone welcome – and to stay for hot cross buns afterwards!
For further information, please contact Jane on: 01869 340510.
(Please check notice sheets/notice board/website for any changes)
Sunday, 3 April | 9.30am Family@church & Eucharist at Westcote Barton 11.00am Eucharist, Nether Worton 5.00pm Evening Worship at Sandford St Martin |
Sunday, 10 April | 11.00am PALM SUNDAY Eucharist with donkey at Duns Tew plus zoom livestream* 5.00pm Evening Worship at Alice Marshall Hall plus zoom livestream* |
Mon 11 – Wed 13 April | 9pm There will be a short compline service each evening on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday on Zoom at 9pm. The order of service will be available on the benefice website or from Jane 01869 340510 or clergy@bartonbenefice.org.uk |
Thursday, 14 April | 8pm Maundy Thursday, Benefice Service and Supper at Alice Marshall Hall, Middle Barton |
Friday 15 April | 10.30am Sandford St Martin 2.00pm-3.00pm Steeple Barton |
Saturday 16 April | 8pm Westcote Barton, Vigil Service and drinks |
Sunday, 17 April | 9.30am Eucharist at Duns Tew 11.00am Eucharist at Steeple Barton 5.00 pm Songs of Praise Sandford St Martin |
Sunday, 24 April | 9.30 am Eucharist at Over Worton 11.00am Eucharist at Steeple Barton 5.00pm Evening Worship at Duns Tew |
* We will be livestreaming the 11am Eucharist service in Duns Tew on the second Sunday so that anyone who cannot come to church in person will be able to join us via the internet. Login details will be available from the weekly church notice sheet or contact Clare Burgess, 347382, or email
DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk. Please keep an eye on our website www.bartonbenefice.org.uk, for updates on Covid regulations in churches.
The final lent lunch will be held in the Alice Marshall Hall, Middle Barton, on Wednesday, 6 April at 12.15pm for lunch finishing at 1.45pm. If you would like to come to our lent lunch, please let us know via email to: lentlunches@bartonbenefice.org.uk or contact your churchwarden/parish representative. During our lent lunches donations will be welcome for the British Red Cross/DEC (Ukraine). Please check website www.bartonbenefice.org.uk for details of topics/speakers and all venues.
The Lent Study group’s final meeting will take place on Tuesday 5 April at 7pm when we will be concluding the “Living in Love and Faith” Course. We want to make this course as accessible as possible and so you will be able join us either in person or remotely through Zoom. Contact Jane for details on 01869 340510 or clergy@bartonbenefice.org.uk. All welcome.
Fly a Flag Would you like to sponsor the flying of a flag from the church tower, on a day of your choice, to mark a birthday, anniversary, or another special occasion. We will ask for a donation of £20 and will, if you wish, put details of the occasion on the church notice board Or why not buy a ‘fly the flag’ voucher from us to pop inside a card for someone as a unique Duns Tew gift? Contact dunstewpcc@gmail for further information.
We will be decorating the church as part of the Jubilee celebrations. Please contact Sarah, sarahtaylor27.st@gmail.com or phone 340827, if you would be interested in giving us a hand or donating flowers or greenery.
Our Charity of the Quarter (April-June) is Polly. Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. If you can spare any food items (tins/biscuits/packets etc) or would like to donate money to this excellent cause then bring your items, cash or cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH or ring Clare on 01869 347382. Any queries: Clare 347382 DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk . Thank you for all your help.
Duns Tew Church Fete 3 July 2022
We would love to see some new faces helping on the fete stalls this year and we currently have some vacancies! It’s a great way of getting to know people in the village.
Please let us know if you could help on the day on any of the following stalls:
Cake Stall, Books, Hoopla, Ice cream, Plants, Bouncy Castle, a Children’s stall. If you have your own idea for a stall and would like to run it, do get in touch.
Clare Burgess email: DTclare@bartonbenefice.com or Tel: 347382.
(Please check notice sheets/notice board/website for any changes)
Wednesday, 2 March | 5pm Ash Wednesday Service at Sandford St Martin |
Friday, 4 March | 7pm World Day of Prayer at Duns Tew |
Sunday, 6 March | 9.30am Family@church & Eucharist at Westcote Barton 11.00am Eucharist, Nether Worton 5.00pm Evening Worship at Sandford St Martin |
Sunday, 13 March | 9.30am Morning Worship at Sandford St Martin 11.00am Eucharist at Duns Tew plus zoom livestream* 5.00pm Evening Worship at Alice Marshall Hall plus zoom livestream* |
Sunday, 20 March | 9.30am Family@church at Duns Tew followed by the Annual Parochial Council Meeting (APCM) to which all those on the Church Electoral Roll are invited to attend. 11.00am Eucharist at Sandford St Martin 5.00 pm Evening Prayer at Westcote Barton |
Sunday, 27 March | 9.30 am Morning Worship at Over Worton 11.00am Eucharist at Steeple Barton 5.00pm Evening Worship at Duns Tew with Speaker from Katharine House Hospice |
* We are hoping to livestream the 11am Eucharist service on the second Sunday so that anyone who cannot come to church in person will be able to join us via the internet. This will probably be via Zoom initially, as we are learning as we go. Login details will be available from the weekly church notice sheet or contact Clare Burgess, 347382, or email
Although the rules on face coverings have changed, they continue to be recommended. Please keep an eye on our website www.bartonbenefice.org.uk, for updates on Covid regulations in churches.
World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women
who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. This years’ service has been written by the women of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. For more information or if you would like to participate then please contact DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk or on 347382.
This year we will be holding two weekly Lent events: the Lent Lunch and a weekly Lent Study Group. The Lent Lunch is a communal lunch hosted by one of the benefice parishes each week on Wednesday, starting on 9 March at 12.15pm, finishing at 1.45pm. The lunch will be followed by a reflection or a short talk on celebrating Easter from a different denominational perspective
Please check website www.bartonbenefice.org.uk for details of topics/speakers and all venues.
The Lent Study group will meet on Tuesdays at 8pm, starting on 8 March and will be following the “Living in Love and Faith” Course. We want to make this course as accessible as possible and so you will be able join us either in person or remotely through Zoom. Contact Jane for details on 01869 340510 or clergy@bartonbenefice.org.uk. All welcome.
Following last year’s successful pop-up Church Bistro, we will be having another Dine in Delivered this month. Why not celebrate the leap into spring with a two-course supper delivered to your door on Saturday, 19 March.
Soy Roasted Salmon, Potato & Broccoli Traybake
Lemon Pot with Shortbread
Price £12.50. Deadline for orders is Tuesday, 15 March. Email dunstewpcc@gmail.com or phone Sarah (340827)
Raising funds for church tower repairs
If anyone would like to join our fete committee, help on the day, or have any ideas for a new stall or game, please us know. Clare Burgess email: DTclare@bartonbenefice.com or Tel: 347382.
Our Charity of the Quarter (Jan-March) is Katharine House Hospice www.khh.org.uk.
On Sunday, 27 March at the 5pm Evening Service we will be welcoming a speaker from Katharine House. So come and hear what this fantastic charity does for our local community. Donations can be made at our services or on-line with payments to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference KHouse.
Polly – Please contact Clare on 347382 DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk if you would like to make a donation of money or food (tins/biscuits/packets etc). Thank you for all your help.
Sunday, 6th February | 9.30am Family@church & Eucharist at Westcote Barton 11.00am Eucharist, Nether Worton 5.00pm Evening Worship at Sandford St Martin |
Sunday, 13th February | 9.30am Morning Worship at Sandford St Martin 11.00am Eucharist at Duns Tew 5.00pm Evening Worship at Alice Marshall Hall plus zoom* |
Sunday, 20th February | 9.30am Family@church at Duns Tew 11.00am Eucharist & baptism at Steeple Barton 5.00 pm Evening Prayer at Westcote Barton |
Sunday, 27th February | 9.30 am Morning Worship at Over Worton 11.00am Eucharist at Sandford 5.00pm Evening Worship at Duns Tew |
*Our monthly Zoom service will be a live-stream of the Evening Worship at the Alice Marshall Hall, however, please keep a look out for any changes on the notice sheet. Please email zoom@bartonbenefice.org.uk for further details on how to join. If you would like to receive weekly church notices contact Clare at 347382 or DTClare@bartonbenefice.org.uk/
Although the rules on face coverings have changed, in view of case numbers in Cherwell, they continue to be recommended. Please keep an eye on our website www.bartonbenefice.org.uk, for updates on Covid regulations in churches. Facebook page (www.facebook.com/bartonbenefice/) and church notice board/notice sheets, in case of any last-minute changes.
Contact details: The Revd Jane Wright, Rector of the Benefice can be contacted on 01869 340510 or clergy@bartonbenefice.org.uk (her usual day off is Monday). Please do get in touch if you would like to talk to her or share prayer requests. Other enquiries to Clare Harper, Benefice Administrator enquiries@bartonbenefice.org.uk bartonbenefice.org.uk/ facebook.com/bartonbenefice/.
Benefice Bible Study on Zoom The bible study group will meet fortnightly on Tuesdays during February. Please note the new meeting time of 8pm. Contact Maria on biblestudy@bartonbenefice.org.uk for more information. Lent Study Groups – Advance Notice – Our Lent Study Group will start on Tuesday, 8 March at 8pm and meet weekly on Zoom until Easter. We will be following the ‘Living in Love and Faith Course’. https://llf.churchofengland.org/. Contact Jane for details. All welcome.
Following the success of last year’s Pop-Up Bistro, we will be doing a one-off dine in delivered in March in aid of church tower repairs. Why not celebrate the leap into spring with a two course supper delivered to your door on Saturday, 19 March. Price £12.50. Deadline for orders is Monday, 14 March. Email dunstewpcc@gmail.com or phone Sarah (340827)
Let’s make this year’s fete a really special one! We’re optimistic that we will once again be able to hold our wonderful fete this year, after 2 years of restrictions. The date has not yet been set, but if anyone would like to join our fete committee, help on the day, or has any ideas for a new stall or game, please us know. More details in March. Clare Burgess email: DTclare@bartonbenefice.com or Tel: 347382
This charity is the amalgamation of 3 small charities. The charity owns land (the Poor’s Land) and so has income from rent as well as dividends from some small investments.
Trustees are able to make grants to individuals or societies in the parish. If you wish to be considered for a grant, please submit a request by 1st May 2022 to Clare Burgess who is a Trustee, at 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew or email DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk. For more information phone 347382.
A big thank you to everyone who donated during the Christmas period as we were able to donate £157 to each of our chosen charities which included: Home Start, Children’s Society and Mary’s Meals. Thanks to the ‘Double The Love’ campaign, your kindness will have twice the impact on the Mary’s Meal donation as, until 31 January 2022, donations made to this appeal will be matched by a group of generous supporters. We also raised an additional £118 at the Churchyard Carol Singing for the Children’s Society.
Charity of the Quarter (Jan-March) is Katharine House Hospice www.khh.org.uk. Donations can be made at our services or on-line with payments to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference KHouse.
Polly – Please contact Clare on 347382 DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk if you would like to make a donation of money or food (tins/biscuits/packets etc). Thank you for all your help.
Sunday, 2nd January | 9.30am Family@church & Eucharist at Westcote Barton 5.00pm Evening Worship at Sandford St Martin |
Sunday, 9th January | 9.30am Morning Worship at Sandford St Martin 11.00am Eucharist at Duns Tew 5.00pm Evening Worship at Alice Marshall Hall plus zoom* |
Sunday, 16th January | 9.30am Family@church at Duns Tew 11.00am Eucharist & baptism at Steeple Barton 5.00 pm Evening Prayer at Westcote Barton |
Sunday, 23rd January | 9.30 am Morning Worship at Over Worton 11.00am Eucharist at Sandford 5.00pm Evening Worship at Duns Tew |
Sunday, 30th January | 11.00am Candlemas Eucharist Westcote Barton |
(Note that early services now start again at 9.30am)
*Zoom in January will be at 5.00pm on the Second Sunday, however, please keep a look out for any changes on the notice sheet
Face coverings are now mandatory in places of worship, however, as we are still in uncertain times, please keep an eye on our website www.bartonbenefice.org.uk., for updates on Covid regulations in churches. Facebook page (www.facebook.com/bartonbenefice/) and church notice board/notice sheets, in case of any last-minute changes.
The Revd Jane Wright, Rector of the Benefice, can be contacted on 01869 340510 or clergy@bartonbenefice.org.uk (her usual day off is Monday). Please do get in touch if you would like to talk to her or share prayer requests. For other enquiries, please email Clare Harper, Benefice Administrator enquiries@bartonbenefice.org.uk bartonbenefice.org.uk/ facebook.com/bartonbenefice/.
Live-Streaming of Benefice Service
In January we will be live streaming the 5pm Evening Worship from the Alice Marshall Hall (Middle Barton) in place of our usual second Sunday morning service Zoom service. Do give this brand new venture a try. Please email zoom@bartonbenefice.org.uk for further details on how to join. If you would like to receive weekly church notices contact Clare at 347382 or DTClare@bartonbenefice.org.uk/
Benefice Bible Study on Zoom Contact Jane or Fran for details frances@bartonbenefice.org.uk.
A Big Thank You
Christmas is always a very busy time of year and so we really appreciated all the help we received in making the church such a vibrant place over the Christmas festivities.
Thank you to Charles and Caroline Landless for donating the beautiful Christmas tree, to the tree decorators, the flower arrangers, the cooks and the church cleaners who made the church ready for all the Christmas services. Thanks also to the bell ringers, to those who acted at our Santa Lucia service, the benefice choir, the musicians and our organist who kept us all in tune. Many thanks to everyone who helped with delivering our Christmas goody bags to children, especially Sunette and Jo, and to all our delivery people over the Christmas period.
We would also like to thank Tony Simpson and Matt Ilott for designing and installing the amazing light display for the outside of the Church and bringing us much needed joy and cheer. We are particularly grateful to Christie Lites Coventry for kindly loaning the lighting equipment this year.
Finally, a big, big thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas festivities. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Thank you to everyone to bought raffle tickets and to those who donated prizes for the raffle. Proceeds of which will go towards the repair of the church Tower.
Our Charities
Charity of the Quarter (Jan-March):
Katharine House Hospice is our Charity of the Quarter for January-March. This charity provides specialist palliative care for adults who live locally with life limiting conditions as well as support for symptom management and pain relief. For more information please visit their website www.khh.org.uk. Donations can be made at our services or on-line with payments to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference KHouse.
Polly Polly continues to work with the homeless and vulnerable in Banbury. If you can spare any food items (tins/biscuits/packets etc) or would like to make a donation, please contact Clare on 347382 DTclare@bartonbenefice.org.uk . Thank you for all your help.