Church Newsletter – August 2020

At present all services (except for weddings and funerals) will continue to be mainly internet based. However, in line with Government and CoE guidelines, the PCC is considering how best to open the church for private prayer and services. It is not simply a matter of opening the church everyday again, as strict cleaning measures and/or quarantining of areas of the church are required between visits. Each parish in the benefice will be displaying information on its church notice board with regard to its own building. Alternatively you can look on the Benefice website for up to date details or contact Clare Burgess (347382, email:

Benefice Service on Zoom

In the meantime, our internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom for the foreseeable future. These services, which last about 30 minutes, have proved a very popular way of worshipping with members of our own congregations in these challenging times. So, if you haven’t Zoomed in yet, why not give it a try? Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am. Further details of how to join can be found on the covering email which goes out with the notice sheet or on request by email to You can also join the virtual coffee morning afterwards.

Benefice Bible Study on Zoom

The bible study group continues to meet on Zoom on Tuesdays at 8pm. Log-in details are on the weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet. For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826

Living Prayer Tree

Following on from our popular Prayer Tree in the church last Easter, we have designated our cherry tree (on the right-hand side of the churchyard by the bench) as a living prayer tree. Please write your thoughts on a suitable label and attach to the tree

Benefice Facebook Page

Please remember to look at our Facebook page, and follow us on You can still look at our Facebook page even if you don’t have a Facebook account.

Pattern of Services

Thank you to everyone who responded to our survey on the pattern of services in the parish. We hope to trial the new pattern once all the churches in the benefice have re-opened.

Keeping In Touch

As many still remain in forced isolation, if you would like to have a regular phone call to stay in touch please contact one of the following. This is in addition to the ‘Spreading Kindness Duns Tew’ initiative (bright yellow sheet).

Rev’d Jane Wright 340510Clare Burgess 347382Sarah Taylor 340827
Steph Lacey 347340Maria Coonick 340826Joan Cull 349861

Our Charities

Polly and her work with the homeless is our July-September Charity of the Quarter. Polly would be extremely grateful for any help anyone could give. Donations to her homeless folk have reduced drastically, partly because supporting churches are not open for donations of food, and partly because other sources (e.g. sandwich delivery companies etc) are not operating in the same way at present. If anyone would like to donate suitable food (baked goods/tinned/packets) or cash/cheques (payable to Polly Preedy) for Polly’s ministry in Banbury, please take to Clare (see below). Thank you.

If you would like to donate while church services are suspended please make an on line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No: 00096480 reference ‘Polly’. Please take any suitable clothing or food direct to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH, please do not leave outside the church while it is locked. Any queries: Clare 347382.

Virtual Duns Tew Church Fete

Dine-In Delivered

A massive thank you to everyone who kindly donated their time, skills and ingredients to give us a night off from cooking and cooked up some fantastic meals for our Dine In Delivered event. The cooks included: Steph Lacey, Fodi Gilje, Hilary Skaar, Helen Hamilton, Mike Howard, Lesley Kelly, Sue Castle-Miller, Helen Preston, Karen Fairfax-Cholmeley and Michael Regan (from the White Horse). Thank you also to Caroline Landless for undertaking most of the deliveries and to the amazing team of Carol, Sarah and Clare who not only cooked and delivered but also co-ordinated this great event. To date we have raised £500. This brings the total from all the virtual fete events to a fantastic £1,643. Thank You Duns Tew!


In September we are hoping to round off our virtual fete with a sale of jams, chutneys and preserves and also our grand end of summer raffle, a great favourite at our fetes over the years. The draw will be held on Saturday 19th September and we hope we may be able to gather somewhere by then, suitably distanced.

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