Tennis court fencing

The Parish Council is excited to announce that the second phase of the Play Area development is going ahead.  

The Play Area will be closed from the week beginning the 28th September for the installation of the tennis court fencing. Once this work has been completed gravel will be delivered and spread on the road leading up to the Play Area.

Please keep an eye on social media to see when the Play Area is open again

From the Parish Council – an update about the Play Area

The first phase of the development is complete. All the new equipment has been installed and is looking fantastic! The Toddler Area equipment has been repaired, painted and the woodchip area refilled. There is a range of fun activities for all ages in the park and we are very excited about it as are all the children in the village who have been keeping a keen eye on progress!

The play area will be opened sometime next week (keep an eye on social media to find out when) so that children can enjoy it during their school holidays.

If you use the Play Area during the current pandemic please be sure to bring your own hand sanitiser or wipes and use these before and after using the equipment. Please also wash your hands the moment you get home.

The Play Area will be closed again while the tennis court fence is installed in mid-September.  We will of course let you know closer to the time what these dates are and how long it will take.

A third phase in which the tennis court is re-surfaced and painted with tennis and basketball lines is planned and the Parish Council is currently raising funding for this.

Further notice about Jonnie Miall’s funeral

If conditions are favourable there will be a fly past over Lower Farm and the village before the cortège moves through.

The Revd Jane Wright and the Churchwardens have announced that they will open the church in Duns Tew on Wednesday after the funeral procession so that any who wish may go inside to reflect or pray.

In Church: Due to Covid-19 restrictions there will be strict one-way system. Please enter only by the main porch door and leave by the small South door to the right of the altar. This will be clearly marked. Please use your own or the provided hand sanitiser on entry and maintain a 2 metre distance between

Church Newsletter – July 2020

At present all services will continue to be internet based.  However, in line with Government and CoE guidelines, the PCC is exploring how best to open the church for private prayer. It is not simply a matter of opening the church everyday again, as strict cleaning measures and/or quarantining of areas of the church are required between visits.  It would therefore be helpful to know the level of interest in the village for private prayer.  Please contact Clare Burgess (347382) with your views.

Each parish in the benefice will be displaying information on its church notice board with regard to its own building. Alternatively you can look on the Benefice website for up to date details or contact Clare Burgess (347382, email:

Benefice Service on Zoom

Meanwhile, our internet-based Sunday morning service will continue on Zoom for the foreseeable future.  These services, which last about 30 minutes, have proved a very popular way of worshipping with members of our own congregations in these challenging times. So, if you haven’t Zoomed in yet, why not give it a try?  Log-in is from 9.20am for a prompt start at 9.30am.  Further details of how to join can be found on the covering email which goes out with the notice sheet or on request by email to You can also join the virtual coffee morning afterwards.

Benefice Bible Study on Zoom

There is a new regular informal bible study group on Zoom on Tuesdays at 8pm.  Log-in details are on the weekly email which accompanies the notice sheet.  From Tuesday 23rd June we will be looking at the Book of Tobit.  For more details contact Maria on 01869 340826 .

Living Prayer Tree

Following on from our popular Prayer Tree in the church last Easter, we have designated our cherry tree (on the right-hand side of the churchyard by the bench) as a living prayer tree.  Please write your thoughts on a suitable label and attach to the tree. 

Benefice Facebook Page:  Please remember to look at our Facebook page, and follow us on  You can still look at our Facebook page even if you don’t have a Facebook account. 

We want to hear from you: The pattern of services has remained more or less unchanged for over 25 years.  The closure of the church building due to the pandemic has encouraged us to look at our services in general, and whilst some may want everything to go back to exactly how it was ‘before’ others may feel this is the ideal moment to try something new.  

The PCC has therefore circulated some discussion points – if you haven’t seen these and would like to have an input please either email your thoughts or fill in a survey form which can be obtained from Clare, via her usual contact details.  

This is your chance to let us know how you feel, whether you are a regular or occasional churchgoer.

We would be grateful if you could let us have your views as soon as possible.

Keeping In Touch

As many still remain in forced isolation, if you would like to have a regular phone call to stay in touch please contact one of the following.  This is in addition to the ‘Spreading Kindness Duns Tew’ initiative (bright yellow sheet).

Rev’d Jane Wright 340510Clare Burgess 347382Sarah Taylor 340827
Steph Lacey 347340Maria Coonick 340826Joan Cull 349861

Our Charities

Banbury Samaritans

Thank you to all who helped raise £135 for the Banbury branch of the Samaritans during April-June.

Polly and her work with the homeless  is our July-September Charity of the Quarter.  

For over 20 years Polly has provided food and been a friend to the friendless people on the margins of society in Banbury.  Allowing for only a very short break due to the lockdown restrictions, Polly has continued her daily visits to St Mary’s Banbury to help the homeless. She is so pleased to be back helping them, but now needs our help more than ever as the pandemic has hit those with the least the hardest. 

If you would like to donate while church services are suspended please make an on line payment to Duns Tew PCC, Sort Code: 30-90-42 (Lloyds) Account No:00096480  reference ‘Polly’.  Please take any suitable clothing or food to Clare Burgess, 5 Hill Farm Lane, Duns Tew, OX25 6JH, or phone Clare 01869 347382. Please, NO duvets/bedding or winter coats!!, Thank you.

Virtual Duns Tew Church Fete

Following our successful virtual plant and book stalls, our alternative fete continued in June with the virtual cake stall, raising an amazing £300. Thank you to all the fantastic bakers who kindly donated their time, skills and ingredients to bake delicious cakes and biscuits to order and also to everyone who bought and enjoyed all the ’virtual’ calories!   

Potty Scarecrow Competition

Keeping with our fete theme, there were some marvellous entries.  Thank you to Michael at the pub for the difficult task of judging.  The winners in the Adult’s section were Sharon and Alan Briggs (and Ruby), Clare Burgess was runner up with Ozzie the Owl and third place went to Emily Middleton’s Moo.

In the Children’s section we had the joint winners of Sune Letley for Dorothy and Amelia Letley for Piggie.  Thanks to all who took part, and had a bit of fun – either creating the masterpieces or just studying the works of art.

Watch this space for other ways we hope to re-create the fete over the summer and get ready for our end of summer raffle!


Would you like a night off from cooking?

Look out for our Dine-In Menu of home-cooked meals.  Order by Friday 10th July and have the meal/s delivered to your door on 17th or 18th July.  Meals to include: Chicken Salad, Cottage Pie, Lasagne (meat or veggie), Chili Con Carne (or Sin Carne for veggie option), selection of Quiches.  Full details will be available on the church noticeboard, village website and the WhatsApp group.  Please phone Sarah on 340827 if you would prefer a paper copy.  Raising funds for the church. 

Save Our Angels Update:  We are happy to report that planning permission has been granted by CDC to replace the corroded copper guard.  We anticipate that the necessary Faculty approval will follow shortly.  Despite lock-down we have raised over £6,000, nearly 40% of the target, since the campaign was launched on 7th March.  To donate visit and search for Duns Tew PCC Stained Glass Window or contact Carol Rigby (340632).  Notecards of the Windows are available from Carol Rigby (340632) 8 designs available at 50 pence each.

Potty Scarecrows Competition

Thank you to Michael from the pub for making the difficult decisions as our judge…

The winners are:

Adult’s category


Sharon and Alan Briggs (and Ruby) (by themselves)


Ozzie the Owl (by Clare Burgess)


Moo! (by Emily Middleton)

Children’s category

Joint First

Piggie (by Amelia Letley)
Dorothy (by Sune Letley)


A big thank you to all who took part. 

Play area COVID-19 update

Following the announcement by the Prime Minister and Government on Sunday 10th May the tennis court and playing field are now open, however please note that social distancing restrictions do still apply .


Please maintain social distancing at all times and remember to wash your hands when you get back home.

  • Ball Games may be played with members of the same household.
  • Tennis Singles by 2 members of the same household or with a member of another household while maintaining social distancing.
  • Tennis Doubles – all players must be from the SAME household
  • The Play Area, Equipment and Shelter must NOT to be used as the surfaces are considered to carry too high a risk of contamination with Covid-19.

Please leave the gate open as it is metal and its surface carries a high risk of contamination.

Thank you for helping to keep our community safe.

Duns Tew Parish Council.

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