The Local Electricity Bill

The Bill, if made law, would empower local communities to sell locally generated clean energy directly to local customers by establishing a statutory Right to Local Supply. This is currently impossible because of the huge setup and running costs involved in doing so.
The ultimate result of this would be:

  1. Local communities and businesses could buy their electricity from a local energy company
  2. Building more local renewable energy would be financially viable
  3. Communities would benefit from the revenues that new local energy supply companies would generate, such as more local skilled jobs, energy efficiency schemes and investment in local facilities

If you would like to help, sign up to the campaign, as an individual:

Patients urged to help the NHS help them this winter

Winter is traditionally the busiest time of year for the NHS, and so patients are being reminded to only use Emergency Departments in Oxford and Banbury in an emergency.

There are a range of alternative options available for non-emergency situations to ensure you get the appropriate care you need, and save an unnecessary trip to the Emergency Department.

What’s available?

  • Self-care is the best choice for minor illnesses and injuries – a range of common winter ailments can be treated at home with a well-stocked medicine cabinet.  Having a winter plan – such as keeping stocked up on medicines, keeping your home warm, and looking out for neighbours – can also be beneficial.
  • Local pharmacies can give advice on several conditions, such as coughs, headaches, upset stomachs and skin conditions, as well as advise on stopping coughs and colds from getting worse.
  • NHS 111 has call handlers who can help you choose the right health services for your needs, as well as a website.   NHS 111 can put you in touch with a clinician, a GP, book you an appointment at your nearest minor injuries unit. You can also use NHS 111 online
  • Minor injuries units can treat deep cuts, small burns, sprains, sports injuries, and infected wounds. To find out your nearest MIU please visit the Oxford Health website
  • Your local GP may offer extended opening hours into the evening or at the weekend.

Most importantly, only attend Emergency Departments when there is a genuine emergency, such as loss of consciousness, suspected heart attack or stroke, severe breathing difficulties, or severe bleeding that cannot be stopped.

For more information see here

Road safety news from the Parish Council

An initiative from the Parish Council (PC) resulted in a visit from the Technical Officer of Oxfordshire Highways. As a result of a walk through the village where issues were discussed, the following actions will be taken

Safety on the A4260 junction

This is a known issue by OCC (and by all drivers in Duns Tew!) but it is on a long list of jobs to be looked at. In the meantime it was agreed that all the signs would be cleaned (done), new arrows painted to make traffic movement clearer (done), an early grass cut in the Spring to keep the area right down the the speed camera clear and regular cuts though the growing season. (wait and see!)

In the long run there is a suggestion that traffic lights may be a solution here but it is a long way down the OCC list. Reducing the speed on the A4260 is regarded as costly and would require political will higher up than PC and police support.

Speeding control in the village and horse riding safety

White village entrance ‘gates’ to be cleaned, new sign asking for people to drive slowly and PC to purchase horses signs for the three entrance ‘gates’. A new horse sign in the Middle Barton Road just before entering village.

Road narrowing signs at the pinch point close to Midsummer Cottage and possibly ‘SLOW” painted on the road.

In addition, the possible use of ‘Sentinel’ camera which takes vehicle registration numbers. These are then passed on to police and letters are sent. On a third ‘offence’ a police officer will visit the owner of the vehicle and have a chat!

In addition, a letter has been written to our MP, County and District Councillors outlining the dangers present at this junction due to increased traffic. The MP has acknowledged the letter and asks to be kept informed as does our County Councillor.

Have you got a winter plan to stay well?

Help Us, Help You – Before It Gets Worse

In winter, pressures on A&E departments increase substantially, particularly admissions for winter respiratory illnesses, putting an additional, but in some cases avoidable, burden on the NHS.

We want you to take better care of your health as the colder months approach, by promoting self-care and having a winter plan (see below) so you help us to help you before your condition gets worse.

To find out more, visit: or view the local ‘Winter in Oxfordshire’ site for advice and tips on how to stay well.

A winter plan can help keep you well and healthy this winter – this could include:

  • Having a free NHS flu vaccination if you are eligible
  • Getting help early before your cough or cold worsens
  • Getting repeat prescriptions in plenty of time before bank holidays
  • Finding out where your local minor injuries unit is located
  • Seeking advice from your local pharmacist
  • Keeping an eye on elderly or frail friends, neighbours and relatives

Watch a short film which explains how your high street pharmacist can help keep you well this winter:

For more advice see here

Duns Tew community play park fully funded

Thanks to essential funding received from Viridor Credits Environmental Company, Duns Tew parish council is delighted to be able to begin the development of the community play park and recreation area.

Currently we have a large, rarely used, area of uneven field, only accessible across the tennis court. We also have a small seating area, equipment for toddlers, and a tennis court, which has no boundary fence. The aim of development is to open up this area to all.

Our development plan will create:

  1. paths and seating to enable access for our older community, buggies, and wheelchairs, as well as a meeting space for everyone, particularly our teens
  2. a flattened pitch for football/cricket, and a tennis court boundary fence to allow easy access to sports and leisure
  3. climbing, swinging and zip-wire equipment to entertain older children who currently don’t use our play area or climb on toddler equipment.

Age appropriate equipment will offer opportunities for motor skill development as well as a pleasant outdoor recreational facility.

In addition to the path, flattened pitch and play equipment listed above, plans also include a seating and BBQ area, which can be used for community events. This will provide our village with a much-needed, communal green space. It will also provide residents with another opportunity to have social contact without leaving the village. This is particularly important for some isolated older people who may not drive or have family nearby. Families with children who normally drive to parks in different villages will be able to stay in the village, use the car less, and use the village amenities such as the pub – again fostering our community and social inclusion.

The Parish Council’s own reserves were far from sufficient to cover this level of expenditure. This complete transformation has been made possible by generous donations from local groups, residents, and the grant from Viridor Credits.

Viridor Credits Environmental Company 

Viridor Credits funds community, heritage and biodiversity projects through the Landfill Communities Fund and Scottish Landfill Communities Fund.  Over £139,000,000 has been awarded by Viridor Credits over the last 18 years.

The Landfill Communities Fund

The Landfill Communities Fund (LCF) is a tax credit scheme enabling Landfill Operators (LOs) to contribute money to organisations enrolled with ENTRUST as Environmental Bodies (EBs). They use this funding for a wide range of community and environmental projects in the vicinity of landfill sites.

Don’t Disappear – a story of relationship abuse

It’s not a love story, or ‘normal’ behaviour in a relationship.  It’s relationship abuse.  If you can identify with Jamie and Emma’s story and need support, please contact Victims First on 0300 1234 148

Anyone who is concerned they may be experiencing this can contact Victims First for support on 0300 1234 148. You can find further information about coercive control at

Mid Cherwell Neighbourhood Older Person’s Housing Survey

One of the of the MCNPs key policies is to improve the quality of life for older residents and this survey is important to help steer possible future projects in the neighbourhood – and in particular the proposed major facility for older people at Heyford Park.

The closing date for the return (in the pre-paid envelope) is December 18th.  You may already have had a survey through your door or will have one shortly. If you have not had one and would like one, or you would like one for a relative who might want to move locally if suitable homes were available, please email the clerk on

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