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Jean Ralfe – Clerk to the Parish Council
Telephone: 01869 349210. 29th December 2019
__________________________________________________________________________________________ MEMBERS OF THE PARISH AND PRESS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND:
1. Apologies for absence: To receive any apologies. 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and Dispensations: To receive any declarations of interest and
requests for dispensations from Councillors relating to items on the agenda, in accordance with the
Council’s Code of Conduct.
3. Minutes of the Last Meeting: To receive the minutes of the last meeting: 4th November 2019.
4. Public Participation: To receive questions from members of the public relating to items on the
agenda, in accordance with the Council’s code of conduct and standing orders. Up to 20 minutes are
allowed for public participation. Participants are restricted to 5 minutes each.
5. Finance:
a) Payments due - to resolve to pay accounts as presented.
b) Payments received – to receive details of income.
c) Financial Statement - to receive details of Parish Council finances to date.
d) Budget and Precept - to resolve for the 2020/2021 financial year.
e) Play Area Refurbishment - to receive details of the Play Area finances.
6. County and District Councillors Reports: To receive reports from the county and district
councillors. Restricted to 5 minutes each.
7. Clerk’s Report: To update on progress of outstanding issues and actions.
8. Parish Matters:
a). Amenities – update Councillor Hall
1. To receive an update on the play area refurbishment plan.
2. To receive an update on the play area maintenance.
3. To consider play area fencing options.
b). Communications – update Councillor Hall
1. To receive an update on the Duns Tew web site
c). Community – update Councillor Semple
1. To receive an update on the defibrillator
2. To receive an update on the welcome pack
d). Planning - update Councillor Stapleton
1. To receive an update on planning applications and decisions
2. To receive an update on the Solar Farm development
e). Services – update Councillor Jackson.
1. To receive an update VAS/Speeding
2. To receive an update on the Highways visit re: Junction of North Aston Road and A4260
3. To consider the unrecorded rights of way
4. To consider options for celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day 8th May 2020.
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5. To receive an update on Poors Land use.
9. Correspondence: To advise of correspondence for information.
a) Parking on the Pavement
b) Aerial Runway in the new Play Area Development
c) No Expressway group.
e) Local Electricity Bill
10. Reports from Meetings: To receive reports from meetings for information:
a) Village Hall Meeting: Cllr Stapleton
12. Date of Next Meeting: Monday 2nd March 2020.