Updated scam advice (charity worker scams)

Updated scam advice (charity worker scams)

Oxfordshire residents have been warned to be on their guard against criminals and scammers exploiting the coronavirus situation.

Some scammers are claiming to be charity workers, offering assistance with shopping, or requesting donations.

Here are some tips from our Trading Standards team on how to check charity workers are genuine:

  • Check the charity’s name and registration number at gov.uk/checkcharity. Most charities with an annual income of £5,000 or more must be registered.
  • Make sure the charity is genuine before giving any financial information – it’s ok to decide not to give on the spot. Be wary of unsolicited emails from charities you have never heard of and be careful when responding to emails or clicking on links within them.
  • Exercise the same caution as with any other internet transaction, for example, to donate online. Visit the charity’s own website and always type the website address into the browser yourself.
  • Contact or find out more online about the charity that you’re seeking to donate to or work with, to find out more about their spending. Ask a trusted friend, neighbour or relative if you are unable to research this or need a second opinion.
  • Ignore requests to donate through a money transfer company.

Full details and advice from our Trading Standards team here:


Oxfordshire residents warned against coronavirus scams

Residents have been warned to be on their guard against criminals and scammers exploiting the coronavirus situation.

In Oxfordshire, County Council’s Trading Standards has received reports of scams targeting people via emails, text messages, and on the doorstep.

Full details and advice from our Trading Standards team here:


Duns Tew Play Area and Park is closed to the public

All play grounds including tennis courts have been ordered to close by the government as of 23rd March 2020.

This is to contain the spread of the Covid-19 or Coronavirus.

Although it may just be your immediate household in the play area at any one time the surfaces in children’s play areas, tennis courts and park gates present a significant risk to the spread of the virus.

Thank you for your understanding.

Duns Tew Parish Council

Spread a little kindness in Duns Tew

Hello from Duns Tew. If you are self-isolating, there is help in the village!

You will already have had, or will have very shortly, a leaflet through your door with information about getting help, like supplies delivered, post mailed and prescriptions picked up while you are in isolation. The information and support structures have been put into place by the Parish Council, Parochial Church Council and others on behalf of all Residents.

In this time of worry and isolation you can help by keeping in touch with any friends or neighbours that you know who are self-isolating, live alone, may be vulnerable and in need of help or might just like a friendly phone call!  We are particularly concerned about the elderly, those who live alone and those who don’t use the internet.

If you are self-isolating or trying to minimise your social contact, it might be hard to know who to ask for help, especially if your loved ones are far away or are in isolation themselves. And you might not want to be a bother or make a fuss! But please do ask!

There are different ways to get help outlined in the leaflet – phone numbers of people who can help and details for WhatsApp and Facebook.

We want to spread kindness not the Covid-19 virus so if you help someone remember to wash your hands, avoid physical contact (but a smile can go a long way!) and leave any deliveries on
the doorstep.

We have not shared the leaflet on Facebook or the Duns Tew website because it contains people’s personal information.  Please do not share it on social media. Instead, if you have not received the leaflet, please phone or email the Parish Council Clerk for a copy:
Telephone: 01869 349012
Email: clerk.dtpc@gmail.com

Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest information and advice

The risk of contracting Coronavirus in the UK is currently extremely low. The risk of normal seasonal flu is, by far, still the highest health risk this winter especially for those more vulnerable. It is still possible to have a flu vaccine if you have not had one.

The Parish Council has a long-standing and frequently reviewed Emergency Plan in place and has been carefully monitoring the news about Coronavirus which changes as events develop.

Residents with any anxieties are advised to check the UK Government website which has useful information and advice: www.gov.uk/guidance/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-information-for-the-public

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